If you receive an award notification directly from the sponsor, please notify CG.team@education.ucsb.edu immediately so that we can begin working with the UCSB Office of Research (OR) to process the award.

Only OR can officially accept an award on behalf of the university; thus, they must work with the sponsor to review the terms and conditions of the award and accept it. Once the award has been accepted by OR, it will be sent to UCSB Extramural Funds Accounting so that an account-fund string can be established. Once the account has been set up, the Gevirtz Research Office and the PI will be notified and the PI will have access to the funds. The entire process typically takes a few weeks, but may take longer if negotiations of the terms and conditions of the award are necessary.

*Please Note: You cannot have anyone work, or spend funds on the project until you have received notice that an account number has been established by UCSB. Individuals are not able to be paid for any work completed before they have been hired.*