EEPA cover

Michael Gottfried of UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School has been chosen an Outstanding Reviewer for 2017 by the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (EEPA). The notification letter to Dr. Gottfried says, “EEPA would not be the leading journal it is today without the professional assistance of reviewers such as yourself.”

As part of the honor, Gottfried will be publicly recognized at this year’s AERA Annual Meeting at the Journal Publications Committee Reception in New York City on Saturday, April 14, from 8:15 pm to 10 pm.

Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis publishes rigorous, policy-relevant research of interest to those engaged in educational policy analysis, evaluation, and decision making. EEPA is a multidisciplinary journal, and editors consider original research from multiple disciplines, theoretical orientations, and methodologies.

Michael Gottfried is Associate Professor in the Department of Education. His research focuses on absenteeism, schooling context, and STEM with an interest in disabilities running through all of these areas. He has served as PI on grants focusing on schooling context and outcomes specifically for elementary school students (NSF, AERA/NSF, NIH/NICHD R03, Foundation for Child Development, Stuart Foundation, Spencer Foundation). He has published work in the American Educational Research Journal, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Teachers College Record, Education Finance and Policy, American Journal of Education, Elementary School Journal, among others. In 2016, he released a co-edited book on educational policy with Harvard Education Press. Michael is on the Editorial Board of American Educational Research Journal and Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.