UCSB's Teacher Education Program believes public education has the power to shape a more equitable future for all learners.

If you are committed to making school a place where young people thrive and grow, where they feel nurtured and safe, where they realize their gifts and opportunities for their future—you must commit to excellence in teaching. This begins with a rigorous and well-established program for learning to teach.


At UC Santa Barbara's Teacher Education Program, you will:

Earn your teaching credential and Master's degree in 12 months.

Build community within one closely connected cohort.

Learn by being fully immersed in classroom teaching.

Strengthen your practice with the guidance of attentive and supportive supervisors.

Apply university coursework in your K-12 fieldwork through our integrated program structure.

Become a teacher leader who strives to improve the educational system.

The 2025-26 TEP Application currently closed.

Have questions about your application? Sign up for Drop-In Office Hours!

Our credentials

UCSB's Teacher Education Program is uniquely structured to develop constructive relationships, immerse you in a full year of supported student teaching, and integrate coursework with fieldwork to put theory into practice.

Choose from one of the following credentials during your year with us: 

  • Education Specialist Credential
  • Multiple Subject Credential
  • Single Subject Credential
TEP candidates outside of GGSE building
Teacher Education Program Office

Samantha Cole, Assistant Director
Cici Martinez-Lopez, Program Coordinator

Email: tepapp@education.ucsb.edu
Phone: 805-893-2084

Gevirtz Graduate School of Education
Room 3230
University of California, Santa Barbara

Credential Office

Katie Tucciarone, Director of Certification and Accreditation

Email: katiet@education.ucsb.edu
Phone: 805-893-2036

Gevirtz Graduate School of Education
University of California, Santa Barbara


UCSB Teacher Education Program is accredited by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

2021-22 Title II Pass rate information by assessment for each of the teacher preparation programs (UCSB included) and all IPRC sections are presented via the Title II Data Dashboards.

The full Title II report can be read online.


UC Licensure and Certification Disclosure

Notice to Students re: Professional Licensure and Certification

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TEP News

TEP News
Gevirtz Graduate School Fellowship Breakfast 2024

Gevirtz Graduate School Celebrates Fellowship Recipients

The UCSB Gevirtz Graduate School of Education held its Fellowship Breakfast on January 19, to celebrate  47 of the school’s most promising graduate students who have received fellowships this year and the people who support them. Total fellowship funds awarded this year were nearly $264,000.


GGSE News > Dept. of Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology, Dept. of Education, Teacher Education Program

Climate Fresk Activity

The Gevirtz School hosts Climate Justice and Sustainability Retreats for cooperating mentor teachers

GGSE News > Dept. of Education, Teacher Education Program

Brenda Villa

Commencement Profile 2023: Benda Villa

GGSE News > Teacher Education Program

Danielle Whitaker

Danielle Whitaker receives a 2022-23 GSA Excellence in Teaching Award

GGSE News > Alumni, Teacher Education Program