The Gevirtz School offers Masters and Doctorates and teaching credentials from its Department of Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology, Department of Education, and Teacher Education Program. The School also offers three undergraduate minors.

Doctoral Programs
Ph.D. in Counseling/Clinical Psychology
Master's Programs
PPS - Pupil Personnel Services
Undergraduate Programs

Doctoral Programs
Master's Programs
Undergraduate Programs
Science & Mathematics Education Minor (CalTeach)

Master's Programs
M.Ed in Teaching
(Offered only in combination with an ESC, MST, or SST credential)
Teaching Credentials
ESC – Education Specialist Credential
(for special education teachers; both Mild to Moderate and Extensive Support Needs)
MST – Multiple Subject Teaching
(for elementary school teachers)
SST – Single Subject Teaching
(for junior high or highschool teachers)
Undergraduate Programs