Taylor Hamilton

This week we caught up with Taylor Hamilton, a Teacher Education Program candidate with the goal of receiving her master’s degree in Education. She received her B.A. in English from UCSB in 2017, and has since been spending her time working as an instructional assistant and substitute teacher for elementary school level students. She looks forward to finding herself back in the classroom again, and is open to teaching any junior or high school levels.

GGSE: What inspires you to pursue teaching?
Hamilton: What inspires me to teach and work in education is the lasting impact that I see so many educators making on young people. Adolescence is a challenging and often tumultuous time, and I want to be part of the force that helps students find their way to a meaningful adulthood.

GGSE: What is your favorite class you're taking right now and why?
Hamilton: I can't say that I have a favorite class. I admire and appreciate all the teachers that I have here in TEP, and while each class certainly has its challenges, there are parts of every class that I enjoy.

GGSE: TEP is an intense program. What do you do to relax?
Hamilton: TEP is an intense program! To relax and take my mind off of school, I like to go on walks with my dogs (and sometimes cats), or read a good book.