Tine Sloan
Teaching Professor Emeritus, Ph.D., UC Los Angeles

Tine Sloan taught at the Gevirtz School from 2000-2022. Upon her retirment, she was a Teaching Professor (Senior LSOE) in the Department of Education. She led the California Teacher Education Research and Improvement Network (CTERIN), a multi-campus research center across nine UC campuses (cterin.ucop.org). She also served as the Chair of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (ctc.ca.gov). In addition to years of state policy work, she has been involved in California and national initiatives on teaching performance assessments (PACT, edTPA, CalTPA), serving on development and implementation teams and as a consultant to states and other institutions. She also studies international contexts of teacher preparation, working closely with partners in multiple research and practice collaborations (these include colleagues from Denmark, Singapore, Switzerland, New Zealand, Taiwan, Japan, Finland, Norway and more). As the former director of the UCSB Teacher Education Program, her research targeted programmatic issues in teacher preparation including the study of interventions in practice, and use of data to inform teacher educators and leaders in program improvement. This research informed her work as a director, and continues to inform her work in policy development, research development, and teaching. Her undergraduate and doctoral courses focus on issues of teacher education and teaching, while her teacher education courses focus on instructional design, classroom assessment, and educational psychology. All of her work aims to understand how to prepare and support teachers who can meet the diverse needs of California’s students, ensuring their well-being, giving them access to important learning, and preparing them for opportunity in the 21st century. Prior to her position at UCSB she was a member of the faculty at the National Institute of Education in Singapore.