
American Educational Research Association
2018 Annual Meeting
April 13 – April 17, 2018, New York, NY
Participants from The Gevirtz School and UC Santa Barbara
Friday, April 13
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Mandy McLean
Jasmine McBeath
Tyler Susko
Danielle Harlow
Julie Bianchini
“Freshmen and Flash Mobs: The Development and Assessment of a Service-Learning Engineering Design Course Using Expectancy-Value Theory”
Exploring Issues of Diversity and Underrepresentation in Engineering Education Research
Millennium Broadway New York Times Square, Fifth Floor, Room 5.02
Amy Kyratzis, chair and presenter
Jacqueline Kemp
“Meeting Educational Challenges for Indigenous Mixtec Families of Young Children in California: A Community Approach”
Elizabeth Villa
“Educational Trajectories of Indigenous Students in California”
Addressing the Educational, Cultural, and Linguistic Challenges of Indigenous Mexican Students in California
New York Hilton Midtown, Fourth Floor, East Suite
Karen Nylund-Gibson, chair
Growth Curve Modeling Extensions and Factor Analysis Choices
Westin New York at Times Square, 8th Floor, Minetta
Richard Mayer, co-discussant
Symposium: Games and Simulations: Learning Analytics and Metrics
Millennium Broadway New York Times Square, Seventh Floor, Room 7.01
Saturday, April 14
8:15 am – 9:45 am
Jacob Kirksey
Michael Gottfried
“Classmates Missing School: Linking Peers’ Absenteeism to Student Test Performance”
Research, Evaluation, Assessment, and Accountability in Schools: Featuring the Analytic Explorations of Graduate Student Scholars
New York Hilton Midtown, Third Floor, Americas Hall 1-2 - Exhibit Hall
Judith Green
Educational Researcher Closed Editorial Board Meeting
Sheraton New York Times Square, Second Floor, Empire Ballroom West
Hsiu-Zu Ho
Yeana Wong Lam
“Father Involvement in East Asia: Beyond the Breadwinner Role?”
Family, School, Community Partnerships Scholarship at This Moment in Time: Unveiling Our Path
New York Marriott Marquis, Fourth Floor, Ziegfeld
8:15 am – 10:15 am
Hunter Gehlbach, discussant
New Directions in Research on Teacher-Student Relationships
Park Central Hotel New York, Mezzanine Level, Times Square
10:35 am – 12:05 pm
Michael Gottfried
Jacob Kirksey
“Linking Kindergartners’ Bedtime and Sleep to Chronic Absenteeism”
Early Childhood Social-Emotional Issues
Crown Plaza Times Square, Room 1503
Aida Hurtado
“Living Legacy, Struggle, and Commitments in Public Education: Doing the Work of Critical Women-of-Color Feminisms”
AERA Presidential Invited Session
New York Hilton Midtown, Second Floor, Sutton North
Jay Plasman, co-chair
“Making Sense of Education Policy in the Era of ESSA and DeVos”
Educational Policies and Politics Invited Speaker Session
New York Hilton Midtown, Fourth Floor, New York Suite
12:25 pm – 1:55 pm
Valerie Meier
Walter Aminger
Mandy McLean
Sarah Hough
Julie Bianchini
“How Do Preservice Secondary Science Teachers Support Discourse in Cognitively Demanding Tasks for English Learners?”
Preservice Teachers Focusing on Student Thinking in Math and Science Classrooms
New York Hilton Midtown, Concourse Level, Concourse F Room
Lorraine McDonnell
AERA Past Presidents Luncheon: Invitation Only
Sheraton New York Times Square, Lower Level, Flatiron Room
Judith Green, co-discussant
Researching Discourse and Social Practices in Science and Engineering Education
Sheraton New York Times Square, Second Floor, Central Park East Room
2:15 pm – 3:45 pm
Michael Gottfried
with Cassandra Guarino (UC Riverside) and Anna Bargagliotti (Loyola Marymount University)
“Does the Percentage of Gifted Classmates Change Mathematics Instructional Practices?”
Poster Session 7
New York Hilton Midtown, Third Floor, Americas Hall 1-2 - Exhibit Hall
4:05 pm – 6:05 pm
Richard Mayer
with Xiaoxia Huang (Western Kentucky University)
“Adding Self-Efficacy Features to an Online Statistics Module: The Design, Development, and Evaluation Process”
Paper Session: Innovations in Online Instruction
Millennium Broadway New York Times Square, Seventh Floor, Room 7.01
Alexis Spina
“The Influence of Teacher Gender on Female Students’ Math Self-Efficacy”
Div D Research in Progress Gala
Westin New York at Times Square, Fifth Floor, Majestic II Room
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Betsy Brenner
Yukari Okamoto
“Only Children in Urban China: Do Parents Hold Gender-Differentiated Expectations?”
International Studies SIG Business Meeting
New York Hilton Midtown, Fourth Floor, Lincoln Suite
University of California Schools of Education Reception
No host bar
New York Marriott Marquis, Fifth Floor –Westside Ballroom Salon 1
Sunday, April 15
8:15 am – 10:15 am
Daniel Katz
Albert Clairmont
Diana Arya
Andrew Maul
“Measuring Reading Strategy Use in a Multilingual Context”
Critical Issues in Literacy Research 2
New York Marriott Marquis, Seventh Floor, Chelsea/Gotham Room
Karen Nylund-Gibson
Cecile Binmoeller
with Adrienne Nishina (UC Davis) and Amy Belmore (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
“Modeling Heterogeneity in Transitions: A Confirmatory Higher Order Latent Transition Analysis”
Karen Nylund-Gibson
with Ryan Grimm (UC Davis) and Katherine Masyn (Georgia State Universty)
“Navigating the Ever-Changing Landscape of Distals in Mixture Models: A Road Map of Current Approaches”
Melissa Gordon Wolf, chair
Recent Developments in Multiple-Group, Multilevel, and Longitudinal Mixture Modeling
Westin New York at Times Square, 8th Floor, Minetta
Mario Galicia
Victor Rios
“The Butterfly Effect: Liberation and Transformation Through Cultural Education”
The Role of Critical Pedagogy in the Rise of Populism, Cultural Education and in Professional Development
Millennium Broadway New York Times Square, Eighth Floor, Gallery 8
Jin Sook Lee
Wona Lee
“Becoming Bilingual Teachers: Understanding the Relationship Between Pedagogical Language-Specific Knowledge and Content Teaching Across Languages”
Bilingual Education Across Languages
Sheraton New York Times Square, Second Floor, Metropolitan East Room
Jay Plasman
AERA Graduate Student Council: Closed Meeting
Sheraton New York Times Square, Lower Level, Bowery Room
10:35 am – 12:05 pm
Bertin Solis
Fabian Pacheco
Diana Chagolla
Laura Romo
“Graduate Student Mentoring: How Structured Mentoring Programs Support Latinx Student Academic Success and Faculty-Student Communication”
Diana Chagolla
Laura Romo
with Melina Melgarejo (San Diego State University), Cristina Alarcon (Cal State University – Northridge), Gabriella Gutierrez
“First-Generation Latina/o Graduate Students Mentoring First-Generation Latina/o Undergraduates: Perceived Costs/Benefits of Mentoring”
Poster Session 10: Impact of Mentoring on Latinx Students in Higher Education
New York Hilton Midtown, Third Floor, Americas Hall 1-2 - Exhibit Hall
Jasmine McBeath
Diana Arya
Danielle Harlow
“Nevertheless, She Persisted: Scientists Reframing Notions of Science and Doubt for Young Girls”
Constructing and Negotiating Identities Across Learning Contexts
Sheraton New York Times Square, Second Floor, Metropolitan East Room
Victor Rios, chair and presenter
Rebeca Mireles-Rios
with Katie Galloway
“The Pushouts: A Film on the Crisis in Education for Marginalized Students of Color”
AERA Presidential Invited Speaker Presentation
New York Hilton Midtown, Second Floor, Murray Hill Suite B
Michael Gottfried
American Educational Research Journal Closed Editorial Board Meeting
Sheraton New York Times Square, Second Floor, Empire Ballroom West
2:45 pm – 4:15 pm
Michael Gottfried
Jacob Kirksey
with Ethan Hutt (University of Maryland-College Park)
“Policy, Preparation, and Perception: Do New Teachers Feel Ready to Educate Students With Learning Disabilities?”
Teachers in Areas of Critical Shortage
New York Hilton Midtown, Second Floor, Gibson Suite
Jing Yu, discussant
“Narrative Explorations With Diverse Learners”
Millennium Hotel Roundtable Session 9
Millennium Broadway New York Times Square, Eighth Floor, Gallery 8
Jenny Sperling
“Partnerships and Pedagogical Collaboration: A Research University and Continuation High School”
Supporting Youth Through School-University Partnerships
New York Marriott Marquis, Fifth Floor, Westside Ballroom Salon 3
Monday, April 16
8:15 am – 9:45 am
Jocelyn Parong
Richard Mayer
Andrew MacNamara
with Jan Plass (New York University) and Bruce Homer (City University of New York)
“Learning Executive Function Skills by Playing Focused Video Games”
Poster Session 12: Research on Games Poster Session
New York Hilton Midtown, Third Floor, Americas Hall 1-2 - Exhibit Hall
Michael Gottfried
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis Closed Editorial Board Meeting
Sheraton New York Times Square, Second Floor, Central Park West Room
Russell Rumberger
“School Segregation, Desegregation, Resegregation, and Integration: Documenting and Troubling a Dream Deferred”
AERA Presidential Invited Speaker Session
New York Hilton Midtown, Second Floor, Sutton North
10:35 am – 12:05 pm
Delwin Carter
Karen Nylund-Gibson
Michael Furlong
“The Effect of Item Order on Participants' Response Choices”
Latent Variable Models, ANOVAs, and Non-Overlap Indices
New York Marriott Marquis, Manhattan Ballroom
Mario Galicia
Victor Rios
“The Butterfly Effect: Liberation and Transformation Through Cultural Education”
Paulo Freire, Critical Pedagogy, and Emancipation Roundtable
Millennium Broadway New York Times Square, Eighth Floor, Gallery 8
Michael Gottfried
Jay Plasman
“From Secondary to Postsecondary: Charting an Engineering ‘Career and Technical Education’ Pipeline”
Understanding the Role of Career and Technical Education in Building the STEM Pipeline
Sheraton New York Times Square, Second Floor, Empire Ballroom West
Hunter Gehlbach, chair and presenter
Carly Robinson
“Mitigating Performance-Enhanced Data Through Preregistration in Education”
New Norms for Educational Research
Millennium Broadway New York Times Square, Sixth Floor, Room 6.01
Russell Rumberger
AERA Books Editorial Board: Closed Meeting
Sheraton New York Times Square, Fifth Floor, Madison Suite 1
Veronica Fematt
“Examining Factors Contributing to Lower Levels of Academic and Social Adjustment Among STEM Transfer Students”
Exploring Academic Success
New York Marriott Marquis, Fifth Floor, Westside Ballroom Salon 2
Clara Bauler
with Emily Kang (Adelphi University) and Lauren Swanson (Whittier College)
“What a Bilingual Science Teacher’s Reflections Revealed About Her Beliefs on Science and Language Teaching”
Exploring Teacher Beliefs and Practices
Sheraton New York Times Square, Second Floor, Empire Ballroom East
Micaela Morgan
“What Factors Affect the Path to a STEM or Career and Technical Education Career for Students With Learning Disabilities?”
Roundtable Session: Special Education at the Forefront
Park Central Hotel New York, Ballroom Level, Ballroom
12:25 pm – 1:55 pm
Andrew Stull
Richard Mayer
with Logan Fiorella and Shelbi Kuhlmann (University of Georgia)
“Effects of Transparent Whiteboards on Learning and Engagement During Video Lectures”
Poster Session: Research on Innovations in Learning Technologies
New York Hilton Midtown, Third Floor, Americas Hall 1-2 - Exhibit Hall
Alexandria Hansen
Danielle Harlow
with Diana Franklin (University of Chicago) and David Weintrop (University of Maryland – College Park)
“Bringing Computer Science Into Elementary School Classrooms”
Poster Session: Contemporary Topics in Computer Science Education Research
New York Hilton Midtown, Third Floor, Americas Hall 1-2 - Exhibit Hall
Laura Romo
Yukari Okamoto
with Terry Au (University of Hong Kong)
“‘Los Microbios Están Vivos’: Teaching Latino Preschoolers a Germ Theory of Cold/Flu Transmission”
Early Childhood Science
Crown Plaza Times Square, Act I-II Room
Mario Galicia, discussant
Systems of Control: School Discipline Policies, Incarceration, and Peer Influences
New York Hilton Midtown, Second Floor, Gibson Suite
2:15 pm – 3:45 pm
Rebeca Mireles-Rios
Jasmin Morales
with Patricia Martin (UC Los Angeles)
“Gender Differences in Higher Educational Aspirations: The Role of Siblings as Protective Agents”
Holistic Learning Here and There
New York Marriott Marquis, Fifth Floor, Westside Ballroom Salon 1
Michael Gottfried
“Are Students With Disabilities in Full-Day Kindergarten Programs More Likely to Attend School?”
Michael Gottfried
with Arya Ansari (University of Virginia)
“Which Early School Settings Link to Better School Attendance?”
Supporting Attendance Among Our Youngest Students: Emerging Evidence Around School Practices and Policies
Crown Plaza Times Square, Room 509/510
Tuesday, April 17
8:15 am – 9:45 am
Albert Clairmont
Andrew Maul
Melissa Gordon Wolf
“A Taxonomy of Invalid Responders: Understanding a Threat to Validity”
Methodological Advances to Improve Survey Data Collection and Analysis
New York Marriott Marquis, Fourth Floor, Ziegfeld
Michael Gottfried
with Sarah Cordes (Temple University) and Amy Schwartz (Syracuse University)
“Who’s on the Bus? An Exploration of Student Factors in School Bus Services”
Addressing Complex Educational Problems Through Systemic Improvement
New York Hilton Midtown, Third Floor, Grand Ballroom Suite-West Ballroom
10:35 am – 12:05 pm
Aida Hurtado, chair and presenter
Laura Romo
“Rehearsal to Freedom: Latina Immigrant Mother/Daughter Conversations on Collective Dreaming”
Aspiring Leaders and Social Change: Critical Public Education to Transform Our Communities
New York Hilton Midtown, Fourth Floor, East Suite
Sharon Conley
Elizabeth Mainz
with Laura Wellington (Western Washington University)
“Providing Teachers With a Choice in Evaluation: A Case Study”
Teachers and Unions Leading the Way! Teacher-Led Change, Decision Making, and Professional Learning
New York Marriott Marquis, Manhattan Ballroom
12:25 pm – 1:55 pm
Stacy Pulice
Rebeca Mireles-Rios
Elizabeth Mainz
Tiffany Ibarra
“Teacher Well-Being: Care, Connection, Community, and Choice in the Workplace”
Triangulation and Member Checking
New York Marriott Marquis, Fifth Floor, Westside Ballroom Salon 2
David Sañosa
Jasmine McBeath
Richard Duran
“Learning Inquiry and Investigation Through Collaborative Community Science”
Intersections of Equity, Engineering, and Literacy: Exploring Possible Presents, Building Possible Futures
Millennium Broadway New York Times Square, Seventh Floor, Room 7.04
Veronica Fematt, discussant
Student Success at Community College
New York Marriott Marquis, Fourth Floor, Wilder
2:15 pm – 3:45 pm
Jocelyn Parong
Richard Mayer
“Learning Science in Immersive Virtual Reality”
Richard Mayer
with Guido Makransky (University of Southern Denmark) and Thomas Terkildsen
“Learning Science With Virtual Reality (VR): Investigating the Role of Methods and Media in Immersive VR Learning Environments”
Paper Session: Innovative Research on Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Simulations
Millennium Broadway New York Times Square, Room 3.11
Michael Gottfried
with Arya Ansari (University of Virginia)
“Raising the Bar: How Teaching Kindergartners With Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities Boosts Teachers' Readiness Expectations”
From Classroom to Community: Examining Early Childhood Education Policy and Reform Efforts
New York Hilton Midtown, Second Floor, Clinton Suite
Jeffrey Milem, discussant
Light in a Dark World: Professional Life of Academics in the U.S. University
New York Marriott Marquis, Fourth Floor, O'Neill