Faculty, students, and alumni of UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School have authored the majority of the current special issue of Pedagogies: An International Journal. Volume 10, Issue 1, 2015 explores the subject “Exploring challenges in designing and teaching (inter)disciplinary and (inter)cultural programs in higher education.” Pedagogies is an official research publication of the National Institute of Education, Singapore. The three graduate students – Yun Dai, Jenna Joo, and Edward Williams – are all members of the Gevirtz School-based Center for Education Research on Literacies, Learning, and Inquiry in Networking Communities (L2INC).
The articles by Gevirtz School related authors are as follows:
The opening editorial “Exploring challenges in designing and teaching (inter)disciplinary and (inter)cultural programmes in higher education” by alumnus W. Douglas Baker (Professor at Eastern Michigan University) and Professor Judith L. Green;
The article “Language and culture learning in higher education via telecollaboration” by Professor Dorothy M. Chun;
The article “Designing interdisciplinary instruction: exploring disciplinary and conceptual differences as a resource” by alumnus W. Douglas Baker and Elisabeth Däumer;
The article “Navigating across academic contexts: Campo and Angolan students in a Brazilian university” by alumna Maria Lucia Castanheira (Federal University of Minas Gerais), Brian V. Street & Gilcinei Teodoro Carvalho;
The article “Interdisciplinary dialogues as a site for reflexive exploration of conceptual understandings of teaching–learning relationships” by Professor Judith L. Green, graduate student Yun Dai, graduate student Jenna Joo, graduate student Edward Williams, Ang Liu and Stephen C.-Y. Lu;
The review “Handbook of qualitative research in education, by Sarah Delamont” by alumna Alba-Lucy Guerrero (Universidad Javeriana) and Marina Camargo-Abello.