CalTeachTogether—an official club formed by the students in the CalTeach program at UC Santa Barbara—will present its final spring 2020 biweekly Zoom meeting—“Teaching During COIVD-19: Special Talk by Elementary, HS Calculus, and HS Science teachers”—on Wednesday, May 20 at 12 noon. The group asks for attendees to come eat lunch with them (BYOL—Bring Your Own Lunch) and join in the Q&A to learn more about becoming a professional in the fields of STEM education. Join Zoom Meeting: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/99142225245
CalTeach is a University of California system-wide program to recruit, prepare, and support exceptional K-12 teachers in science and mathematics. The initiative began in response to both state and national concerns about the critical shortage of highly qualified elementary and secondary teachers. CalTeach at UC Santa Barbara includes opportunities for both undergraduate students and graduate teacher credential candidates.
The goal of CalTeachTogether is to expand the community of future educators, and provide members with a place to learn and discuss important topics and issues within the field of education. The club also plans monthly activities.
The Zoom link is also available on the group’s Instagram account @calteachtogetherclub and on Shoreline. Newcomers are always welcome.