Naftaly Glasman is a Professor & Dean Emeritus in the Department of Education, where he worked from 1980 to 2009. In his last bio before he retired he wrote: "I received my B.A. in chemistry from Wesleyan University in Connecticut and my M.A. and Ph.D. in education with an emphasis in administration from the University of California, Berkeley. Most currently I serve as Professor of Education and Political Science, teaching courses in educational leadership, educational finance, school principalship and evaluation as an administrative function. Since about five years ago I have gradually shifted my research focus to the roles of evaluation and of leadership in educational change and to the corresponding problem-solving-based training of educational leaders. "My early career involved work with educating on issues related to the school climate, school structure, school curriculum, school staff, and student socioeconomic populations. I was able to help institutions improve their perceptions on and their corresponding decision making associated with the dual objectives of educational equality and educational excellence in Australia, Holland, India, Israel and United States. This work helped me considerably when I solicited input for administrative policies designed to achieve diversity and equity while I served as Dean of the Graduate School of Education (1980-1987). "The major principle to which I adhere in my teaching includes student centered designs. I exercise often the option of presenting questions which help demystify topics which people are in awe of and I bring for reanalysis topics which people get an initial impression that they are overly simple. I love working with students on their dissertations and I encourage them to publish portions of them after they are done."