The Community Fellows Initiative is a flagship Gevirtz School approach to diversifying the local education workforce with highly qualified education-professionals – for the benefit of the diverse students served by K-12 schools in our community.

Located within UC Santa Barbara’s Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology Department, the Healing Space specializes in consultation, counseling, and therapy for the Black community, provided by Black clinicians.

The Dean's Fund allows for our school to respond quickly to the emerging financial needs of our faculty, graduate students, centers, and clinics.
The Koegel Autism Center focuses on the development and implementation of strength-based, motivational interventions and supports for individuals and families affected by autism spectrum disorders. Intervention models developed at the center include the Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT) and the Social Tools And Rules for Teens (START) programs.

Children in grades 1 through 8 receive intensive, research-based instruction in skills and practices related to fluency, reading comprehension, and various forms and modalities of writing and presenting across the content areas with a particular focus on STEM-related disciplines.