Carolyn Ross

(photo courtesy Goleta Chamber of Commerce)

The Goleta Chamber of Commerce has named Carolyn Ross, alumna of UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School, as its 2019 Educator of the Year. Ross and her fellow 2019 award recipients will be honored with a formal celebration on November 23 from 6 to 9:30 pm at the Ritz-Carlton Bacara.

Carolyn Ross, who received her single subject teaching credential in English and M.Ed. from UCSB’s Teacher Education Program in 2001, is music director at Goleta Valley Junior High School. “Carolyn’s dedication to her students’ talents, social development, and academics is unmatched,” a statement from the Goleta Chamber o Commerce claims. “For 11 years, she has worked with students of all skill levels not only during the school year, but also with her summer camp, on weekends and during holidays. Tireless and unflappable, she consistently goes above and beyond for each student.”