Jim Gribble will be graduating with a master’s degree from the Department of Education. He is pursuing a Ph.D. with an emphasis in technology at the elementary school level. He will continue as the STEAM coordinator at the Knox School of Santa Barbara.
GGSE: Tell us about your research project. What are your research interests, and why are they important to you?
Gribble: Learning in virtual reality. I think it is important for children to be able to learn in media engaging and exciting to them, not the media adults think children want.
GGSE: What's one piece of information you wish every person knew and remembered about your research?
Gribble: How I always included children and undergrads in the design/learning process as co-contributors and co-facilitators.
GGSE: What's next? What do you hope to do after earning your master's?
Gribble: Onward to the Ph.D. and serving as the STEAM coordinator at the Knox School of Santa Barbara. I am also planning to run for school board again. [Gribble was a candidate for the Santa Barbara Unified School District Board of Education in 2018.]
GGSE: What piece of advice would you pass on to future students in the Gevirtz School?
Gribble: Conduct research with children and on behalf of their true interests. Grad school is like a candy store: lots to choose from, and if you try and eat too much, you will get sick.
GGSE: Is there anyone in the Gevirtz School you would like to thank?
Gribble: Definitely, all of the faculty and students, particularly my advisor and Ph.D. committee: Dr. Danielle Harlow, Dr. Diana Arya, and Dr. Richard Durán. Danielle has spent countless hours editing and helping with papers and projects and Richard (and Danielle) taught an inspiring technology course. Thank you to Diana and Dr. Dorothy Chun for their insights and leadership regarding our current virtual reality project.
GGSE: What is one of your favorite memories of your graduate school experience?
Gribble: Getting up early to boogie board with Javier at Sands.
GGSE: In lieu of an in-person ceremony, how will you be celebrating your graduation?
Gribble: I will not be celebrating, and I would not be attending in-person anyway. I find graduation ceremonies, in general, a tad strange. :)