I am deeply disappointed in the announcement by Attorney General Sessions that President Trump’s administration will abandon the DACA program over the course of the next six months. As dean of the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, I am writing to pledge my support and the support of other members of our academic community—our faculty, staff, and students—to members of our school, campus, and local communities who are adversely affected by this decision. We are available to support any member of our community. Moreover, as your dean, as an educator, and as a citizen, I pledge my support in doing all that I can to advocate for bipartisan, comprehensive immigration reform that protects DACA participants.
This action is in conflict with the University of California’s commitment to access to higher education for students from all backgrounds. UC President Janet Napolitano released the following statement today: https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/press-room/uc-president-napolitano-statement-decision-end-daca-program.
On our campus, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Margaret Klawunn sent the following statement to our students:
“Dear Students,
We join you in concern about the rescission of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), and of equal importance is our concern for your well-being. The University of California is keeping abreast of DACA and the UC Immigration Legal Services is working to understand the impacts. Information about renewals, EADs and Advance Parole will be forthcoming later today. In the interim, it is important to know that UCSB’s institutional support remains.
UCSB Undocumented Student Services continues to plan ahead for the academic year. There ARE NO CHANGES to California’s AB 540 (in-state tuition law) and CA Dream Act Application (access to apply for state and institutional aid). Students who receive in-state and institutional financial aid through the CA Dream Act will continue to apply for financial aid & receive in-state funds available to them. However, changes to DACA might impact work-study fund allocations and we will continue to update you regarding this specific type of aid.
Free legal services for students and their immediate families remain available through USS’ partnership with the UC Immigration Legal Services Center. Please contact Diana Valdivia, UCSB USS Coordinator at (805) 708-4739 for appointment information.
Many Student Affairs departments are available to offer support and services. In addition to the resources below, USS and Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) offers undocumented student support group. More information to follow on this quarter’s meeting times. Resources available for immediate support:
• Undocumented Student Services, diana.valdivia@sa.ucsb.edu, | (805) 708-4739
• Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) – consultation available 24/7 at 805-893-4411
• Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), 2210 SRB
• MultiCultural Center (MCC)
• Campus Advocacy, Resources & Education (CARE) -- support and advocacy, 805-893-4613 to schedule an appointment
• Office of Student Life (OSL) – advising regarding speech, advocacy, and posting , 2nd Floor SRB
• Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity (RCSGD), 3rd Floor SRB
Undocumented Student Services (USS) is holding a community gathering tonight at 6 PM in the Monarch Lounge. We will have free food, crafts, and a space for folks to be in community. We hold a second community gathering on Thursday, September 7pmfrom 12:00pm to 2:00pm at the Monarch Lounge. In addition, USS will hold several webinars this summer to provide information regarding legal services, financial aid, USS resources, and updates regarding DACA and legislation regarding immigrant youth.
We make ourselves available should you need additional support. As soon as we receive information from UC Immigration Legal Services, we will forward it to you.
Margaret Klawunn, Vice Chancellor, Division of Student Affairs
Lupe Navarro-Garcia, Associate Dean, Student Academic Support Services
Diana Valdivia, Coordinator, Undocumented Student Services"