Maryam Kia-Keating, Diana Capous, Jessica Adams

Diana Capous receives her 2015 award for her work with Proyecto HEROES with co-Principal Investigators, Drs. Maryam Kia-Keating (left) and Jessica Adams (right).

Diana Capous, a graduate student in the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology at UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School, has received the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) 2015 Outstanding Student Advocacy and Service Award. The award recognizes an ISTSS student member who has made a significant impact in “public advocacy, clinical work, and traumatic stress.” Capous will receive the award at the ISTSS conference in New Orleans in November 2015.

Capous received her B.S. in Human Development from Cornell University, and is currently working on her Ph.D. at UC Santa Barbara under the guidance of Dr. Maryam Kia-Keating. She is involved with the Gevirtz School’s Hosford Clinic with the Daily Diary project, where she studies emotional regulation and coping in trauma-exposed patients. 

Capous has been involved in a variety of activities and associations on campus, including the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students Advocacy Coordinating Team, the Academic Research Consortium, and the Diversity and Equity Committee. She also helped to coordinate Proyecto HEROES' photovoice project, a photography project where Latino high school students, working with UCSB undergraduate mentors, captured the strengths and struggles in their communities through photos.