UC Santa Barbara’s Koegel Autism Center is partnering with the Santa Barbara Public Library (SBPL) to give two presentations as part of the Virtual Classes for Caregivers free series. On April 22 at 6 pm (Zoom ID: 99825142161) will features the presentation “Nurturing Know-How: Let’s talk! How to create opportunities to foster the language and socialization of young children” and then on April 29 at 6 pm (Zoom ID: 94822577692) the presentation will be given in Spanish: “Cuidando Ninos Sabiamente: ¡Hablemos! Como crear oportunidades para fomenter el lenguaje y socialización de los más prequeños.”
In both events, the Koegel Autism Center will present on child development and how to support language skills and socialization in early childhood. In addition to providing information about developmental milestones and the early signs of autism, they will also share tips on how to promote speech and social communication skills.
Cuidando Niños Sabiamente es una serie de clases virtuales diseñadas para introducir a los cuidadores de niños a la alfabetización temprana, la preparación escolar, el uso de actividades apropiadas para el desarrollo y capacitaciones en salud y seguridad. Además de compartir información sobre las diferentes trayectorias del desarrollo infantil y los primeros síntomas del autismo, también compartiremos consejos sobre cómo fomentar el habla y la comunicación social.
The Koegel Autism Research and Training Center is dedicated to improving the lives and prognoses of children with autism, as well as the lives of their families. It has been recognized by the National Academy of Sciences for its innovative research and teaching methods in a variety of areas, including parent education, language development, and teacher education. It offers a state-of-the-art behavioral approach to autistic children. The Koegel Autism Center is part of The Gevirtz School at UC Santa Barbara.
The SBPL Nurturing Know-How Series offers free virtual learning opportunities for caregivers on topics of daycare licensure, early literacy, child health, safety practices/first aid, small business skills, school readiness, and developmentally appropriate learning activities, and related topics. SBPL offers laptops and wifi hotspots that can be checked out to enable this connectivity. Anyone with a library card can check out an Acer chromebook and WiFi hotspot or a Lenovo chromebook and WiFi hotspot or just a WiFi hotspot. Library cards are available at Grab N Go Service upon presentation of a photo ID and are not required for program participation.