Judith Green, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, has co-authored with Kris Machtmes of Ohio University the foreword to the new book Action Research in STEM and English Language Learning: An Integrated Approach for Developing Teacher Researchers (Routledge 2022). The book, by Dr. Aria Razfar of University Illinois, Chicago, and Dr. Beverly Troiano of Elmhurst University, offers a model for professional development that engages teachers in transformative action research projects and explicitly links literacy to mathematics and science curriculum through sociocultural principles.
Providing detailed and meaningful demonstrations of participatory action research in the classroom, Razfar and Troiano present an effective, systemic approach that helps preservice teachers support students’ funds of knowledge. By featuring teacher and researcher narratives, this book centers teacher expertise and offers a more holistic and humanistic understanding of authentic and empathetic teaching. Focusing on integrating instructional knowledge from ESL, bilingual, and STEM education, the range of cases and examples will allow readers to implement action research projects in their own classrooms. Chapters include discussion questions and additional resources for students, researchers, and educators.
Green is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Department of Education of the Gevirtz School, where she worked from 1990-2016. Her teaching and research focus on teaching-learning relationships, disciplinary knowledge as socially constructed, and ethnographic research and discourse studies of the patterns of everyday life in classroom.