UC Santa Barbara’s Department of Education and the Center for Black Studies Research will present Dr. Joaquin Noguera giving the virtual talk “Race, Culture, Education and the Limits and Possibilities of Schooling,” on Thursday, May 20 at 12 noon. The event will be on Zoom.
In this talk, Dr. Noguera will discuss his most recent study of a school that was deliberately designed to counter the adverse conditions in a low-income Black and Brown community and meet the social-emotional and academic needs of students while working to revitalize the broader community and support individual and collective healing. Noguera will discuss the systems, structures, practices, and processes used by the school staff, as well as challenges the school faced. The presentation will also address the implications for educators with similar goals, as well as the direction of his current and future research.
Dr. Joaquin Noguera is currently the 2020-21 Center for Black Studies Research Postdoctoral Fellow/Visiting Faculty Department of Black Studies. He has a Ph.D. in Social Science and Comparative Education with a specialization in race, ethnic, and cultural studies from the University of California, Los Angeles. He is a former school leader and teacher, and he has supported educators, schools, districts, and other learning organizations across the United States for the past ten years, typically with a focus on equity and community responsiveness, culturally sustaining/revitalizing practices, social justice, and healing-centered engagement. As a researcher, Dr. Noguera’s work examines education and schooling as mechanisms of social and cultural reproduction, and their potential to support transformation, healing, and revitalization.