Five graduate students from the Gevirtz School have made it to the next round of UC Santa Barbara's Grad Slam. They are Joshua Kuntzman, Aileen Fullchange, Sabrina Liu, Ken Sterling, and Ashley Sanford.
ROUND 1 - Multipurpose Room, Student Resource Building - 11 a.m. to noon
Joshua Kuntzman, Education: “Do You See Why I Love This Subject?': Educational Dialog and the Importance of Real Human Teachers”
Sarah Abdul-Wajid, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology: “Using Sea Squirts to Find New Genetic Factors Controlling Birth Defects”
David Copp, Mechanical Engineering: “Closing the Loop: Engineering an Artificial Pancreas”
Brian Hoskins, Materials: “Synaptic Engineering”
Jessica Perkins, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management: “Life Cycle Assessment: There's more to the Story”
Laura Reynolds, Earth Science: “Memories in Mud: How Marshes Tell Us about Past, Present, and Future Sea-Level Change”
Wencheng Yan, History of Art and Architecture: “Writing Modernity: Constructing a History of Chinese Architecture, 1920-1949”
ROUND 2 - People's Choice Winners - Multipurpose Room, Student Resource Building - 4 to 5 p.m.
Aileen Fullchange, Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology: “The HEROES Project”
Sabrina Liu, Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology: “The Power of Hope: First Year Students' Adjustment to College Amidst Tragedy”
Ken Sterling, Education: “Imagine a Reality TV Show with a Boss Handing a Scan-Tron Form to an Employee”
William Brandt, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management: “Why Study Snow from the Beach?”
Abel Gustafson, Communication: “Predicting Election Outcomes using Wikipedia”
Umihiko Hoshijima, Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology: “Kelp Forests on Acid: Local Climate Change Mitigation in a Changing Ocean”
Richard Huskey, Communication: “Using Brains to Change Minds”
Ian McCullough, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management: “A Last Stand? Will California's Ponderosa Pine Forests Survive Climate Change?”
Lakshmanan Nataraj, Electrical and Computer Engineering: “Photographing Computer Programs to Identify Malicious Software”
ROUND 3 - Engineering Science Building 1001 - 11 a.m. to noon
Ashley Sanford, Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology: “The Science of Meaning-Making”
Jamie Booth, Mechanical Engineering: “Gecko-Inspired Adhesive Materials”
Selvi Ersoy, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology: “Killing Me Softly with Antibiotics”
Matthew Gebbie, Materials: “Simplifying Nature's Invention: Engineering Mussel Proteins into Biomedical Glues"
Daniel Hieber, Linguistics: “Renaissance on the Bayou: Reviving the Chitimacha Language”
Celeste Pilegard, Psychological and Brain Sciences: “What Can We Learn From Video Games?”
Erik Spickard, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology: “Gonads to Guts: Reprogramming an Organ in the Nematode C. elegans”
Mary Toothman, Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology: “In the Water or in the Genes? What Makes an Infectious Disease Deadly (or Not)?
Finals Round - Friday, April 17, Corwin Pavilion, 3 to 4 p.m. - Schedule Coming Soon!