Judith Green of the Gevirtz School at UC Santa Barbara – along with Andrew Goodwyn and Carol Fuller, both of the Institute of Education, University of Reading, United Kingdom – has guest edited the most recent issue of English Teaching: Practice and Critique. The issue – Volume 11, Number 1 (May 2012) – is entitled "Focus: Research methodologies as framing the study of English/literacy teaching and learning." The issue can be accessed online.

The journal offers this rationale for the issue: "Whilst choice of research method may often represent a very necessary and pragmatic decision based on time and resources available, it will also often reflect a philosophical underpinning that resonates strongly with a researcher's standpoint as to what counts as research. As research methodologies offer competing views of the world and provide contrasting lenses through which to generate, analyse [sic] and then make sense of findings, choice of methodological framing is therefore of interest. The contributors to this issue of English Teaching: Practice and Critique consider the ways that a range of methodological approaches constrain or liberate research in English/literacy and contribute in meaningful ways to our understanding of teaching and learning."

Judith Green, a professor in the Department of Education at the Gevirtz School, has been teaching for more than 4 decades across levels of schooling (K-20). She received her M.A. in Educational Psychology from California State University, Northridge and her Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, where she explored the relationships between teaching and learning, literacy and knowledge construction. Green's recent research focuses on how classroom practices support access to students across academic disciplines in classrooms and in virtual communities. Green was recently named a fellow of the American Educational Research Association.

She is a co-director of LINC, the Center for Education Research for Literacy and Inquiry in Networking Communities, where she works with teachers and researchers to explore how the new advanced technology networks support innovative learning opportunities. Green and her colleagues have an approach to curriculum and technology in which teachers and students create a virtual and interactive community in which they plan collaborative research across city, state, and national borders and share their local inquiry to make global connections.