Micaela Morgan

Micaela Morgan from UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School had her work “Improving STEM Engagement and Transfer Success of Students in the 2-Year to 4-Year Higher Education Pipeline” chosen as one of the Top-9 proposals for the Division D (Measurement and Research Methodology) In-Progress Research Gala at the 2015 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, April 16 - April 20. Morgan will learn at the Gala if she wrote one of the top 3 proposals. If selected, she will be invited to present at an Exemplary Works Session at the 2016 Meeting and will also be presented a certificate at the 2016 Division D Business Meeting and Luncheon.

The AERA Annual Meeting is the largest gathering of scholars in the field of education research. It is a showcase for ground-breaking, innovative studies in a diverse array of areas – from early education through higher education, from digital learning to second language literacy. It is where to encounter ideas and data that will shape tomorrow’s education practices and policies, and where to connect with leading thinkers from the U.S. and around the world.

Morgan is a second-year graduate student in the Department of Education at the Gevirtz School. Her advisor is Dr. Michael Gerber and her research focus area is policy, leadership, and research methods. Morgan has a Master’s in Chemistry from UC Santa Barbara but has always loved working with students to help them achieve their academic goals. After graduating from UCSB, she became the Program Coordinator for the UCSB McNair Scholars Program where she could facilitate undergraduate students going on to graduate programs. She says, “As a previous STEM transfer student myself, I am very interested in creating interventions to foster student success in the STEM fields.”