Towards the close of Pride Month, UC Santa Barbara researchers collaborated with those at Palo Alto University to lead a nationwide dialogue on LGBTQ+ sampling methodology.
To advance the science on sexual orientation and gender identity-related issues, the UC Santa Barbara-housed Project RISE (Research and Interventions for Sexual and Gender Minority Empowerment) and The Center for LGBTQ Evidence-Based Applied Research (CLEAR) at Palo Alto University hosted their first ever LGBTQ+ Sampling Methodology Think Tank. Faculty and students across the nation, from the University of Miami to Bates College, from Old Dominion University to UC San Francisco, discussed sampling methodology in the 21st century as well as barriers and innovative solutions to the challenges of recruiting diverse LGBTQ+ participants in the current social and technological environment. Non-attendees may view an online hour-long discussion recording as part of the think tank.
Moving forward from this event, the UCSB-Palo Alto collaboration will continue to disseminate information, collaborate on publications and conference presentations, and hold future Think Tank events in order to continue to advance the field of LGBTQ+ research and, ultimately, to better serve the community.
Project RISE is a research lab on the UC Santa Barbara campus under the direction of Professor Tania Israel in the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology (CCSP). Project RISE develops and studies interventions to support LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) individuals and communities. Some of their projects have included training law enforcement on LGBTQ issues, developing online interventions to reduce the negative impact of stigma, and researching LGBTQ people’s experiences in therapy. Project RISE is committed to training students to support LGBTQ people through research, policy, and practice. Dr. Israel gave the first TED talk on Bisexuality.
The Center for LGBTQ Evidence-Based Applied Research (CLEAR) is a research lab at Palo Alto University that supports faculty, students, and postdoctoral fellows to conduct research advancing the health and well-being of diverse LGBTQ populations.