The Gevirtz Graduate School of Education is excited to announce that it will hold its fourth annual Research Symposium on Friday, May 26th and Saturday, May 27th, in the Education Building classrooms. The theme this year is “People, Purpose, and Passion: The Pathway to Equity, Community and Accountability in Education.” This symposium theme seeks to provide a space for scholars from all backgrounds to discuss how we can make educational spaces a more equitable learning environment for all. The event is presented by the Graduate Student Association in Education (GSAE).
The vision of this event is to provide a space for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and postdocs to showcase their own work, receive formative feedback, and foster connection building within the GGSE, as well as with the larger UCSB community. The GSAE invites anyone from the ED, CCSP, and TEP community to present their research, degree-related work, or community-work at any stage of the process. The symposium is also an opportunity to practice a presentation for AERA or other conferences and to receive low-stakes feedback from peers and faculty. All other UCSB students are also encouraged to participate.
Proposal submissions and conference registration are currently open. Register and find all information using the symposium website. The Conference Program and instructions will be posted to the conference website following the close of registration. Please reach out with any questions.