Bialis Family Foundation Mentor Teacher Award winners

The ten 2012 Bialis Family Foundation Mentor Teacher Award winners, along with the 2012 Gevirtz School Distinguished Alumni Award Winner Lynn Luft and donors Gary and Ellen Bialis: (left to right) Alexandra Angelopoulos, Julia Cirincione, Kimberly Holland, Jill Means, Brent Elder, Lauren Thal-Hill, Lynn Luft, Gary Bialis, Ellen Bialis, Tracey Womack, Socorro Chavez, Melissa Woods, Kareem Battle.

The Bialis Family Foundation, in conjunction with the Teacher Education Program at UC Santa Barbara's Gevirtz School, has presented the second annual Mentor Teacher Awards to recognize excellence in mentoring new teachers into the profession. The awards honor established teachers who go above and beyond when advising teacher credential candidates from UCSB at local public school campuses.

The 2012 honorees are:

Alexandra Angelopoulos, Washington Elementary School
Socorro Chavez, Isla Vista Elementary School
Jill Means, El Camino Elementary School
Lauren Thal-Hill, Franklin Elementary School
Kareem Battle, Santa Barbara Junior High School
Tracy Womack, La Colina Junior High School
Melissa Woods, Santa Barbara High School
Julia Cirincione, Mountain View School
Brent Elder, Kellogg Elementary School
Kimberly Holland, Washington Elementary School

This group was considered among the most outstanding and committed Cooperating Teachers in UCSB's Teacher Education Program. Their excellence in mentoring new teachers is evident in the way these teachers grow under their guidance. Their dedication to this work shows their commitment to the profession and to future students. The Gevirtz School solicited feedback from past student teachers, supervisors, and administrators in an effort to select cooperating teachers who are truly excellent at mentoring.

The ten award winners were honored at a ceremony on Wednesday, May 30 at the Education Building at UCSB.