Forty-three doctoral candidates from UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz Graduate School took part in graduation ceremonies in the academic year 2016-17. Listed below are the new Ph.D.s and their dissertation titles.
Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology
Todd Avellar, “The Feasibility and Acceptability of an Online Mindfulness- Based Cognitive Therapy Intervention for Same-Sex Attracted Men”
Jennifer Bettergarcia, “Effects of Therapists Affirming and Non-affirming Reactions to Transgender Identity Exploration on The Therapeutic Relationship: An Analogue Study”
Laurel Brown, “The Impact of Reflective Supervision on Early Childhood Educators of At-Risk Children: Fostering Compassion Satisfaction and Reducing Burnout”
Katherine Carnazzo, “An Evaluation of the Social Emotional Health Survey-Secondary for Use with Students with Learning Disabilities: Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Measurement Invariance, and Comparative Analyses”
Justin Gauthier, “Moral Injury and the Justice-Involved Veteran”
Kezia Gopaul-Knights, “Corporal Punishment and Outcomes on Trinidadian Youth: Direct and Indirect Effects”
Audrey Harkness, “Parent Messages about Sexual Orientation and Youths' Attitudes toward LGB People”
Eui Kyung Kim, “Multiple Profiles of Mental Health and Quality of Life Outcomes among Korean Adolescents”
Marina Landheer, “The Relationship Between Rugby and Off-Field Physical Aggression: A Pilot Study”
Caitlin Lepore, “The Prevention of Preschool Teacher Stress: Using Mixed Methods to Examine the Impact of Reflective Supervision”
Ashley Mayworm, "Understanding School Discipline Climate: A Multilevel Latent Class Analysis Approach”
Amber Miller, “An Analysis of the Efficacy and Treatment Trajectory of the START Social Group for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder”
Sholeh Mireshghi, “Coping with Perceived Ethnic and Cultural Discrimination among Persons of Iranian/Persian Descent”
Wendy Eichler, “Indifference to Difference: Factors Related to Recognizing and Responding to Students with Symptoms of Depression”
Bernard Njuguna, “Developing a Cultural-Specific Model for Assessing Behavior and Emotional Disorders among Kenyan Adolescents.”
Erika Noriega, “Exploring the ‘Chameleon Experience’ Through the Lens of Multiracial People”
Ashley Sanford, “Trauma-related Distress and Growth: A Study of Pregnant and Post-Partum Women in Residential Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment”
Rachel Stein, “The Use of Latent Analysis to Further Understand Bullying, Victimization and Moral Disengagement”
Brian Stevenson, “Factors Related to Job-Search Success: Examining the Role of Employment Flexibility”
Department of Education
Rusha Al Rawaf, “Building a Museum Culture in Saudi Arabia: Where Are We Now and What Needs to Be Done?”
Sherice Avant, “The Effects of Training on Visual-spatial Disembedding Skills in Early Childhood”
Natalia Avila, “Tracing the Discursive Emergence of Latin American Higher Education Writing Studies”
Leesa Beck, “The Role of Social Media Networking Communities in Transfer Student Success”
Magali Bravo, “Disagreements between Mexican-Origin Mothers and Their Adolescent Daughters: A Video-Observational Exploratory Study”
Mario Bucio, “Improving Conversational Communication in Mexican-American Children with Autism in Their Native Language via Parent-Implemented Self-Management”
Weiwei Chen, “Perspectives of Parents of Children with Autism or Intellectual Disability on Inclusive Education in Urban China”
Juan Espinosa, “Assessing the Factorial Validity, Measurement Invariance, and Latent Mean Differences of a Second-Order, Multidimensional Model of Academic and Social College Course Engagement: A Comparison Across Course Format, Ethnic Groups, and Economic Status”
Estrada Maricela, “Organizational Change in Public Schools: The Use of Small Groups”
Tracy Ewing, “Designing and Testing a Classroom Curriculum to Teach Preschoolers about the Biology of Physical Activity: The Respiration System as an Underlying Biological Causal Mechanism”
Mark Grimes, “Online Courses: A Framework”
Hannah Grossman, “Contextualization in Video Education in Africa: A Participatory, Applied Cognitive Science Approach”
Lois Harmon, “How Elementary Pre-Service Teachers Acquire Pedagogical Language Knowledge for Supporting English Learners' Academic Language Development.”
Ashley Iveland, “The Engineering Design Process: Conceptions Along the Learning-to-Teach Continuum.”
Ji Eun Joo, “Uncovering the Layers of Design Processes of a Global Undergraduate Engineering Course: An Interactional Ethnographic Approach”
Laquita Montgomery, “Meeting People Where They Are: A Study of Social Supports for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Families of Children with Disabilities.”
Micaela Morgan, “The STEM and CTE Pipeline for Community College Students with Learning Disabilities”
Sean O’Brien, “Teachers in the Making: An Investigation of Pre-Service Teacher Experience in a Maker Faire Setting, And The Role Of Design Thinking”
Andrew Ogilvie, “‘Because I Actually Want to Write It’: A Longitudinal Study of the Relationship between FYW curriculum, Knowledge Generalization, and Students' Consequential Transitions”
Kanakara Petrosian, “Exploration and Description of Nature and Significance of Course Participants’ Interactions in a Multi-Site Distance Learning Course with Implications for Design in Distance Education”
Zuleyma Rogel, “Para Que Sepan Que Sabemos: Latin@ Parents Projecting Concientización Through the Activation and Negotiation of their Mediational Tools”
Ethny Stewart, “The Disciplinary Practices and Processes of Critique in a Third-Year Architecture Design Studio”
Cameron Sublett, “Distance Education, Applied STEM, and Tuition-Free Community College: A Three-Part Policy Examination in Higher Education”
Yu Zhang, “Learning 10s Horizontally Improves First Graders’ Estimation of Numerical Magnitudes”