The 2019 GGSE Grad Slam participants with Prof. Jin Sook Lee and Dean Jeffrey Milem
UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School will hold its sixth annual in-house Grad Slam on Friday, April 3 from 12 pm – 1:30 pm in Education 1217. Light lunch and refreshments will be provided. This non-competitive event will allow for each participant to present a project, practice, or idea—in three minutes or less. The GGSE Grad Slam will allow our graduate students to share their incredible work with the rest of the GGSE community.
Interested students should register for the GGSE Grad Slam by emailing George Yatchisin with your name and the title of your presentation by FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 FEBRUARY 7.
In addition to keeping the presentation to three minutes or less, presenters can only use 3 slides + a title slide.
The campus-wide, competitive 2020 Grad Slam begins April 7. See gradpost.ucsb.edu/grad-slam/2020 for details. Over $15,000 in cash and prizes will be awarded on the campus level. Note the deadline to sign up for the campuswide Grad Slam is also Friday, February 7. Interested students should apply online. Try to follow in the footsteps of last year's campus-wide finalist Melissa Gordon Wolf from our Department of Education!