Forty-two doctoral candidates from UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz Graduate School took part in graduation ceremonies in the academic year 2011-12. Listed below are the new Ph.D.s and their dissertation titles.

Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology

Clinical Psychology

Jenss Chang, “Examining Intra- and Interpersonal Variables Involved in Neuropsychological and Personality Assessment: Are Asian Americans the ‘Model Examinees’?”

Aaron Estrada, “What’s in a Name? The Effect of Examinee Perception of Examiner Ethnicity on Neuropsychological and Cognitive Assessment Performance”

Elia Jimenez, “Exploring the Experiences of Latino/a Families During the IEP Process”

School Psychology

James Earhart, “Promoting Positive Peer Relationships Among Youths: A Study Examining the Effects of a Class-wide Bullying Prevention Program”

Sofie Hays, “Examining the Screening Accuracy of a School-Readiness Measure: The Kindergarten Student Entrance Profile”

Camille Jones, “Covitality: An Exploration of Integrated Well-Being in College Students”

Elena Lilles, “High-Risk Latino Youth Make Gains Towards Closing the Achievement Gap”

Megan O’Malley, “The California School Climate Survey: Dimensionality and Staff Perceptual Differences Across Professional Group Identity and School Level”

Jenne Marie Simental, “An Exploratory Analysis of BASC-2 Content Scale Profiles Among Adolescents Identified as Eligible for Special Education Services Within the Public School Setting”

Department of Education

Child and Adolescent Development

Maria Cruz, “Identifying Individual, Family, and Education Factors that Protect Latina Adolescents in Alternative High Schools from an Early Pregnancy”

Rebecca Mireles Rios, “Maternal educational expectations and Latina adolescents’ childbearing attitudes: The mediating roles of communication about education and daughters' educational expectations”

Seyda Tarim, “Turkish Immigrant Children’s Code-Switching Practices: Constructing Language Ideologies and Identities in Interaction”

Cultural Perspectives and Comparative Education

Eva Oxelson, “Of Math and Motorcycles: An Analysis and Comparison of Educational Relations in School and Out”

Vivian Rhone, “Analyzing Evaluative Discourses in Teacher Preparation and School -Based Initial Training: Uncovering Untold Stories of Accountability in Schools”

Rosina Wright-Castro, “California High School Exit Examination Remediation: Affording Long-Term English Learners the Opportunity for Learning Academic Literacy in English-Language Arts”

Educational Leadership and Organizations

Brianne Galicinao, “Female College Athlete Leadership and Team Effectiveness”

Christine Victorino, “Examining Faculty Satisfaction, Productivity, and Collegiality in Higher Education: Contemporary Contexts and Modern Methods”

Special Education, Disabilities, and Risk Studies

Sandra Aldana, “The Development of a Tool to Assess Cultural Frame of Reference Among Recent Immigrant Latino Parents of Children With Disabilities”

Crystal Carrillo, “Improvements in Social Conversation in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder through Teaching Contingent Queries”

Chris Cate, “Student Veteran College Experiences: Demographic Comparisons, Differences in Academic Experiences, and On-Campus Service Utilization”

Brandy Ethridge, “’It’s Much More Than That’: Factors Affecting Positive Behavior Support Implementation with Families of Children with Disabilities in Home and Community Settings”

Andrew Fedders, “The Effect of Video Self-Monitoring on Novice Special Educators’ Implementation of Advanced Direct Instruction Reading Techniques”

Matthew McCaffrey, “Quality School Practices that Promote Postsecondary Success in California's Continuation High Schools”

Amber Moran, “The Effects of Comprehension Intervention on Mathematics Problem Solving for Students with Mathematics Disability”

Sarah Pelangka, “Planned Activity Training for Parents of Children with Autism: Do Smart Tablets Serve as a Motivational Tool that Facilitates Engagement and Promotes Learning?”

Larisa Shirotova, “Assessment and Emphasis of Parent-Effective Strategies in Parent Training for Children with Autism: An Exploratory Study”

Teaching and Learning

Stephanie Couch, “An Ethnographic Study of a Developing Virtual Organization in Education”

Monica Dabos, “Two-Year College Mathematics Instructors’ Conceptions of Variation”

Kumi Hashimoto, “Exploring the Relationship between L2 Blogging, Learner Autonomy, and L2 Proficiency Levels: A Case Study of Post-Secondary Japanese L2 Learners”

Eunsook Jeong, “An Analysis of Students’ Korean Language Use in a Korean-English Two-Way Immersion Classroom”

Mary Silva, “Can I Google That? A Study of the Multiple Literacy Practices of Undergraduate Students in a Research-Writing Course”

Anissa Stewart, “Exploring Dialogue in Virtual Space: Blogging to Learn in an Undergraduate Black Studies Course”

Vicki Vierra, “A Comparison Study of the Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Single Subject Mathematics Credential Candidates”

 Ed.D. – Educational Leadership

Kathya Arriaran, “Teacher Work Environment Correlates of Burnout, Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment: A Study of Two Middle Schools”

Karla Arriaran-Rodriguez, “Principal and Counselor Working Relationships in High School Settings: A Case Study”

Rita Delkeskamp, “Toward a Model of Collaborative Action Research as a Form of Professional Development for Elementary School Teachers: An Inquiry”

Michelle Fox-Mallory, “Teacher Study Groups: Toward a Model of Differentiated Professional Development”

Frank Guerrero, “Perceptions of Teacher Collegial Work Groups at the Department Level in Southern California”

Scott Kelting, “Education Leaders’ Decision-Making Processes about Educational Facilities in a University Multiple Stake holder Environment”

Jacqueline Kirk-Martinez, “Coaching in Special Education: Toward a Model of Differentiated Professional Development for Elementary School Paraeducators”

Mark Shishim, “The Relationship Between College Student Success and Well Being Determinants: An Exploratory Study of Measures”

Lauren Wintermeyer, “A Study of Dual Enrollment and Community College Persistence”