For their Spencer Foundation study, Co-PIs Morva McDonald and Charles Peck of the University of Washington are examining and documenting how outcome data are used in teacher education programs. As they explain, "The purpose of the research we propose is to generate useful new empirical knowledge about the conditions under which programs of higher education successfully use data on program outcomes as a resource for program improvement." The PIs partnered with the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education for the first phase of the study – a survey to 750 teacher preparation programs. From that sample, they selected and conducted site visits at ten campuses with programs that they identify as high users of data. Finally, the PIs will write five deep case studies that focus on the specific organizational context and activities of those programs.

UC Santa Barbara's Teacher Education Program (TEP) will be one of the five deep case studies. "UCSB's TEP is a paragon of excellence in this regard," says Charles Peck, "one of the places almost everyone who is interested in these issues in teacher ed is well aware of."

"The faculty in TEP are deeply committed to ensuring that what they do for each candidate is based on where that candidate needs to grow," says Tine Sloan, director of UCSB's Teacher Education Program. "Faculty couldn't do this without persistently engaging in the evidence of candidates' practice. The TEP has a long history of collaborative analysis of our candidates' work for the purpose of informing and improving our work. It is something we have become very good at and we are extremely pleased to be part of such a high profile study."

The Teacher Education Program at UC Santa Barbara offers the Multiple- Subject, the Single-Subject, and the Education Specialist Moderate/Severe Teaching Credentials with a Master's Degree in Education. These programs provide future teachers with a solid theoretical foundation integrated with extensive fieldwork that leads to both a California State Teaching Credential and a Master's Degree in Education. The programs are run as a cohort, with the elementary and secondary cohorts no larger than 60 students each. This allows for the individualized attention necessary for high-level preparation of reflective, skilled practitioners who can meet the needs of a diversity of learners in California schools. The Teaching Credential Programs are full-time, post-graduate programs that begin in June and conclude the following June. Teacher candidates have the option to work on the Master's Degree concurrent with credential coursework. It is one of the highest quality programs in the nation, with state-of-the art practice grounded in partner schools, a focus on teaching to reach all learners, and teacher educators with established records of success.