Professor Emeritus, Ph.D., UC Los Angeles
Cynthia Hudley is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Education, where she worked from 2003-2014. She was part of two research focus areas: Culture and Development and Special Education, Disabilities & Risk Studies. Hudley is the author of You Did That on Purpose: Understanding and Changing Children’s Aggression (Yale University Press 2008) and co-author, with Adele Gottfried, of Academic Motivation and the Culture of Schooling (Child Development in Cultural Context) (Oxford University Press 2008). Hudley has developed an aggression reduction curriculum, the BrainPower program, to improve peer relations in elementary school. This program has been designated a “Promising Program” by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Hudley also served as the Vice President of Division E (Counseling and Human Development) for the American Educational Research Association.