The Autism Seminar & Discussion (ASD) series – sponsored by UC Santa Barbara’s Koegel Autism Center and the Santa Barbara Public Library – will host another monthly lecture and Q&A on Tuesday, March 5th from 6:30-8 p.m. The talk, given by Daina Tagavi and Anthony Osuna, two graduate researchers at the Clinic, is titled “Raising a Child in the Age of the Internet.” This free, public presentation, which will be held at the Santa Barbara Public Library’s Faulkner Gallery, focuses on the transition of autistic children into adulthood.
This presentation will focus on learning about considerations to make while raising children during the age of technology and the Internet. The presenters will discuss common problems parents face in regards to electronics, technology, social media, and the Internet in general. Drawing from the latest research and clinical experience, Tagavi and Osuna will share resources and strategies that can help parents manage the amount of time their children spend online, how to handle negative consequences of the Internet, and also how parents can help use the Internet and technology to their advantage. They will also discuss how parents can promote safety online.
Daina Tagavi, M.A. is a doctoral student with an emphasis in clinical psychology. Her research interests include the development, adaptation, dissemination, and implementation of behavioral treatments for children diagnosed with or at-risk for autism spectrum disorder. She has helped create a play group intervention for infants at-risk for autism and co-created an intervention to teach online social skills for adults with ASD during her graduate training.
Anthony Osuna, B.A. is currently a doctoral student in clinical psychology. His research interests include online social skills and social media use in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. He has co-developed an online social skills intervention for adults with ASD and is interested in evaluating its utility for younger age groups. In addition to his intervention work, Anthony is also interested in understanding the role of social media in today’s social experiences.
The monthly Autism Seminar & Discussion (ASD) Program is made possible through collaboration between UCSB’s Koegel Autism Center and the Santa Barbara Library to bring highly engaging and informative content to the local community. It takes place the first Tuesday of each month during the academic school year.