Christian Schmeider

Christian Schmieder, Qualitative Research Specialist and Lecturer in the Program Development and Evaluation Unit at University of Wisconsin-Extension, will be holding a Workshop on Nvivo on Monday, November 2, from 9 am-12 noon, and then offer consultation support on Tuesday, November 3, from 12 noon -3:30 pm. The workshop and consultation support are open to all UC Santa Barbara Gevirtz School faculty and students, but space is limited and will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. Contact Dr. Diana Arya at to reserve.

Schmieder’s work focuses on the integration of qualitative research software into institutional frameworks and on building intellectual and technical infrastructure for collecting, making accessible, and analyzing massive qualitative data sets.

At UW-Extension, Schmieder is coordinating an institution-wide effort aiming at capacity-building in qualitative analysis in service of ongoing program development strategies amongst UW-Extension educators. As a UW-Extension Research Specialist, he plans and conducts inner-institutional evaluations supporting the Dean’s Offices during high-level strategic planning efforts.

In the past, Schmieder has served as a qualitative research and software specialist at UW-Madison and at Colgate University. He has taught qualitative research methods and the use of Qualitative Data Analysis Software in several academic institutions in the U.S. and Germany.

Schmieder’s recent scholarly interests evolve around the impact of Qualitative Data Analysis software on the production of academic knowledge and on the use and usability of QDA software as a methods teaching tool, and a tool for metacognition. In the past, he has published on metaphor theory and analysis; on cross-language communication and analysis in qualitative research, and on video games. Learn more on his website: