Joey Graham

(photo credit Bryan Brown, @shamarstudios)

Joey Graham earned a Single Subject Teaching Credential in History and Social Sciences and a Master of Education from the Teacher Education Program. She graduated from UC Santa Cruz in June 2020 with a Bachelor of Arts in Legal Studies, and a minor in Education. Joey has been passionate about being a teacher since preschool, but became even more headstrong about her career choice after having an incredibly supportive teacher in her last years of high school. She is committed to creating brave spaces for her students, allowing all histories and stories to be shared and celebrated in her classroom. Joey hopes to be a high school government or civics teacher after completing the program, and strives to foster important conversations around these topics. She believes with the help of her peers, colleagues, faculty, and family that she can be the best teacher for her students.

GGSE: What is one thing about teachers or teaching that you wish more people knew?
Graham: We are fierce supporters of children and their abilities as we get to witness them through so many important events and milestones of their lives. We get to witness their persistence, perseverance, and strength daily and this is why we advocate so hard for their safety so they can truly experience what they deserve from education.

GGSE: Tell us about one of your fondest TEP memories.
Graham: My fondest memory is meeting the amazing friends that I would not have without this program; I will be with them for a very long time. Getting to see them after a long day of student teaching was always the best part of it.

GGSE: What's next for you?
Graham: I will be teaching in Junior High for World History in Irvine, California and I am so excited to get this journey started!

GGSE: Where do you hope to see yourself in 10 years?
Graham: Still teaching, hopefully helping out with Professional Development and assisting future teachers on their student teaching experience. I hope to be as helpful as my supervisors were for future teachers.

GGSE: Are there people at the Gevirtz School you would like to thank?
Graham: Oof, there are so many. Probably Julie Estabrook and Chris Mullin for being some of the best supervisors a History teacher could have. Jennifer Scalzo, as she was able to guide many of us TEP grads throughout the entire year.