Jane Close Conoley

Dean Conoley will deliver a talk at the UC Office of the President in Oakland on April 8

Dean Jane Conoley of UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School will deliver the President’s Advisory Committee of the Status of Women (PACSW) talk “Women We Admire” on Tuesday, April 8 at 12 noon in Franklin Lobby 1, the UC President’s Office, Oakland.

Conoley, who has been dean and professor of Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology at UCSB since January 2006, is a nationally recognized expert in educational issues, and served as interim chancellor at UC Riverside from Dec 2012 through Aug 2013. A first generation college student, Conoley has spent much of her professional career in educational psychology finding ways to improve access to education for disadvantaged students and promoting their success. Conoley earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology cum laude at the College of New Rochelle and a Ph.D. at the University of Texas at Austin.

Since 2009, PACSW has sponsored the “Women We Admire” speaker series, in which women from around the UC system have shared their insights about their careers, workplace challenges, and work-life balance. The events are open to all members of the UCOP community, and both men and women are invited to learn more about how to make the most of working at UC. Recordings of prior events will be posted online.

The UC Office of the President’s Advisory Committee on the Status of Women (PACSW) examines issues regarding the status of women at UCOP and analyzes existing policies, procedures, and programs that affect those issues. The committee advances an agenda to improve the climate and opportunities for women at UCOP, identify and support model programs or activities, and recommend to the President changes that will afford women equal and fair access.