Destiny Hoerberg

 UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School has named Destiny Hoerberg the recipient of the 2020 Delaine A. Eastin Fellowship. This fellowship is given to a graduate student pursuing an MA or Ph.D. in Education who is the first in her family to attend grad school and show academic progress, with a preference for female students.

Hoerberg is a doctoral student in the Department of Education within the Special Education, Developmental, and Risk Studies research focus area. With a strong background in working with children with autism and related disorders, both as a para-educator and behavioral therapist, and with an undergraduate degree in Psychology from California State University, Channel Islands, Destiny is interested in improving parent/caregiver education and interaction with children with disabilities by further developing and improving current evidence-based therapeutic intervention practices. Additionally, Destiny is interested in exploring the neurodiversity that may exist between typical and atypical children to better support and foster their ability to acquire and maintain more desirable social and academic skills. Destiny is currently working under the advisory of Dr. George Singer.