Melissa Morgan Consoli and Emily Unzueta

Emily Unzueta (right) with her advisor Melissa Morgan Consoli

Emily Unzueta of UC Santa Barbara’s Gervirtz School has been selected as one of ten 2016 Society of Counseling Psychology Leadership Academy participants through the American Psychology Association. Through the SCP Leadership Academy, the Division 17 program will provide leadership training as well as the opportunity to work with a mentor on a project that contributes to a current working group within Div. 17. 

Unzueta is a third-year doctoral student in Counseling Psychology in the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology (CCSP) at the Gevirtz School. She was born and raised in Santa Barbara, and received her B.A. in Education from Brown University and M.A. in Mental Health Counseling from Boston College. Under the guidance of Dr. Melissa Morgan Consoli, Unzueta’s professional and research interests involve resilience in Latina/o populations, multicultural and international training, social justice, and qualitative methodology. Additionally, she serves as coordinator for the Santa Barbara Wellness Project, a community-based prevention group that provides education and skills training on wellness, and as campus representative for Division 45 of APA. She is currently completing her clinical externship at New Beginnings Counseling Center, a non-profit mental health center in downtown Santa Barbara.