Professor Judith Green, Associate Researcher Beth Yeager, and alumni Laura Hill-Bonnet and Jacqueline Reid of UC Santa Barbara's Gevirtz School recently published the chapter "Exploring Dialogic Opportunities for Learning and (Re)negotiating Selves: An Ethnographic Telling Case of Learning to Be Social Scientists" in the volume Interplays between Dialogical Learning and Dialogical Self (Information Age Publishing, 2012), edited by M. Beatrice Ligorio, Università degli Studi di Bari and Margarida César, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação.

The book overall attempts to outline some answers to such broad questions, such as: How does learning affect identity? How does participation to educational settings, scenarios and situations impact the way we are or became? Can changes in how we perceive our selves be considered as part of the learning process? By using a very robust and updated theoretical frame – the dialogical approach – the authors analyze school and educational situations through new lens: by considering the teaching and learning processes as multi-voiced and socially complex and considering identity development as a true leverage for development.