American Psychological Association
2013 Annual Meeting
July 31-August 4, 2013, Honolulu, Hawai'i


Participants from The Gevirtz School


Special Event
APA Students, Faculty, & Alumni Night Social Hour
Thursday, August 1, 4-6 pm
(Free food and no-host bar; happy hour prices until 5 pm)
Tiki’s Grill & Bar
second floor of the Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel
2570 Kalakaua Avenue


Wednesday, July 31


8 am – 8:50 am

Erin Dowdy, Eui Kim, Courtney C. Bolton, Katherine Carnazzo
Selecting Informants in Universal Screening for Behavioral and Emotional Risk (Convention Center: Room 322A)

10 am – 10:50 am

Courtney C. Bolton, Katherine Carnazzo, Misty Brewer, Erin Dowdy, Matt K. Quirk, Michael J. Furlong
Kindergarten Screening for Emotional, Behavioral, and Academic Risk
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)

11 am – 11:50 am

Caitlin E. Lepore, Jennifer B. Hughes
Positive Memories, Trauma, and Treatment Outcome in a Drug Court
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)

Ana L. Thomat, Merith Cosden, Lauren M. Koch, Jill D. Sharkey
Strengths As Predictors of Antisocial and Prosocial Outcomes in Delinquent Youth
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)

Ana L. Thomat, Merith Cosden, Jill D. Sharkey
Moral Emotions Among Juvenile Male Offenders: Assessing Experiences of Guilt and Shame
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)

12 pm – 12:50 pm                

Kristen Ashbaugh, Lynn Koegel, Robert Koegel, Whitney Detar, April Regester Increasing Socialization in Adults With Asperger’s Syndrome
(Convention Center: Room 321B)

Jessica L. Bradshaw, Lynn Koegel
Early Intervention to Increase Social Engagement for Infants at Risk for Autism
(Convention Center: Room 321B)

Jasmin D. Llamas, Melissa Morgan Consoli
Importance of Familia for Latina/o College Students
(Convention Center: Room 301A)

Amber Miller, Ty Vernon
A Multi-Component Group Social Skills Intervention for Adolescents With ASD
(Convention Center: Room 321B)


Thursday, August 1


8 am – 8:50 am

Diana E. Capous, Maryam Kia-Keating, Caryll Sprague, Jocelyn Levitan
School and Community Violence Among Latino Youth: Empirical Literature Review (Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)

10 am – 10:50 am

Tania Israel
They’ve Got Our Back: Preparing Law Enforcement to Respond to Anti-LGBTQ Hate Crimes
(Convention Center: Room 316C)

11 am – 11:50 am

Jay N. Ledbetter, Todd Avellar, Kevin De Lucio, Tania Israel, Audrey R. Harkness, Joshua A. Goodman
LGBTQ Diversity Trainings With Law Enforcement Personnel: Reactions and Resistance (Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)

Joshua A. Goodman, Tania Israel, Todd R. Avellar, Jay N. Ledbetter, Audrey R. Harkness, Kevin Delucio
Capturing LGBTQ Positive and Negative Experiences With, and Perceptions of, Law Enforcement
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)


Friday, August 2


9 am – 9:50 am

Kevin Delucio, Melissa Morgan Consoli, Tania Israel
Dismantling the Closet: Latino Men Negotiating Disclosure of Nonheterosexual Identity
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)

Justin R. Gauthier, Merith Cosden, Jennifer B. Hughes
College Students’ Perspective on Parent Notification and Parent--Student Communication on Alcohol Use
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)

Audrey R. Harkness, Tania Israel, Todd R. Avellar, Kevin Delucio, Jay N. Ledbetter, Joshua A. Goodman
Tactics for LGBTQ-Affirming Policing: Law Enforcement and LGBTQ Community-Member Perspectives
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)

11 am – 11:50 am

Rafael J. Hernandez, Collie W. Conoley
Responding to Racial Microaggressions: Impacts on Latina/o College Persistence and Mental Health
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)

Jasmin D. Llamas, Lucila Ramos-Sanchez
The Adjustment Process: Factors Contributing to Latina/o Students’ College Adjustment
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)

Sheila Modir, Laurel Brown, Maryam Kia-Keating
Racial Socialization and Mental Health: Examining Promotion of Mistrust
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)

Melissa Morgan Consoli, Kevin Delucio, Erika Noriega, Chelsea Namkung, Jasmin D. Llamas, Daniella Pavone, Peterson Pham
Predictors of Resilience and Thriving Among Latina/o Undergraduates
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)

12 pm – 12:50 am

Jasmin D. Llamas, Melissa Morgan Consoli, Annette M. La Greca
Making It Through Together: Community Responses to Disaster
(Convention Center: Room 322A)

Caryll Sprague, Tamara Afifi, Maryam Kia-Keating, Erika Felix, Gilbert Reyes, Walid Afifi
Perceived Stress, Family Protective Factors, and Children’s Adjustment After Wildfire
(Convention Center: Room 322A)

Hannah L. Weisman, Elaine Patten, Marcus Montanez-Leaks, Mercedes Yee, Alison M. Darcy, Varvara Mazina, Aimee Zhang, Jakki O. Bailey, Megan Jones, Mickey Trockel, Craig Barr Taylor
Validation and Application of a Short Male Body Image Concerns Scale
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall, Level 1)

Erika Felix, Sukkyung You, Glorisa Canino
School and Community Influences on the Postdisaster Recovery of Youth Following Hurricane Georges
(Convention Center: Room 322A)

Cristina M. Benki, Merith Cosden
Risks and Needs of Participants in Batterer Intervention Programs
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)


Saturday, August 3


8 am – 8:50 am

Eui Kim, Ann Marie G. Orellana, Stephanie Adams, and Erin Dowdy           
School-Based Screening to Predict Students’ Subjective Well-Being
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)

Michael J. Furlong, Erin Dowdy, Stephanie Adams, Ann Marie G. Orellana, Peter Boman           
Dual-Factor Model Approach for School-Based Mental-Health Screening
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)

9 am – 9:50 am

Jenna K. Chin, Erin Dowdy
Examining and Predicting Longitudinal Trajectories of Behavioral and Emotional Risk in Students
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)

Shane R. Jimerson, Amy Gillespie, Aaron D. Haddock, William J. Rime
Playground Strategies to Promote Problem Solving and Reduce Discipline Referrals
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)

10 am – 10:50 am

Christine Shock, Maryam Kia-Keating
Research Incentives for Economically Disadvantaged Families: Reimbursement or Coercion?
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)

Andres J. Consoli
Interamerican Society of Psychology and International Collaborations in the Americas
(Convention Center: Room 308A)

12 pm – 12:50 pm

Kaila R. Norman, Steve R. Smith, Merith Cosden
Schizophrenia and Substance Use Disorders: Disentangling the Neuropsychological Heterogeneity
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)


Sunday, August 4


8 am – 8:50 am

Jennifer B. Hughes
Children Affected by Methamphetamine: A Family Treatment Drug Court
(Convention Center: Room 309)

Jessica Larsen
Veterans Treatment Court
(Convention Center: Room 309)

Caitlin E. Lepore
Enhanced Drug Treatment Court for Co-Occurring Disorders
(Convention Center: Room 309)

9 am – 9:50 am

Jessica Larsen, Karen K. Nylund-Gibson, Merith Cosden
Identifying Offender Typologies in Drug Court Using Latent Class Analysis
(Convention Center: Room 321B)

Ryan P. Grimm, Karen K. Nylund-Gibson, Matt K. Quirk, Michael J. Furlong
Linking Kindergarten Readiness and Elementary School Academic Performance: A Latent-Mixture Modeling
(Convention Center: Room 321B)

10 am – 10:50 am

Kristin J. Conover, Tania Israel
Development and Validation of the Ableist Microaggressions Scale
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)

Ashley E. Sessoms, Megan Donahue, Merith Cosden
Consumer Perceptions of Trauma-Informed Drug Treatment
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)

Brian Stevenson, Michael T. Brown
Refinement and Evaluation of the Differential Status Identity Scale
(Convention Center: Kamehameha Exhibit Hall)