Four faculty members of the Gevirtz School at UC Santa Barbara – Erin Dowdy, Danielle Harlow, Karen Nylund-Gibson, and Maryam Kia-Keating – have each been granted a Faculty Career Development Award of $7,500. Dowdy and Kia-Keating are faculty in the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology; Harlow and Nylund-Gibson are faculty in the Department of Education. Erin Dowdy’s research is titled “Screening for Behavioral and Emotional Risk in Youth;” Danielle Harlow’s is “Assessing Children’s Engineering Design Thinking;” Karen Nylund-Gibson’s is “Fit Indices for Growth Mixture Models;” and, Maryam Kia-Keating’s is “Daily Stress, Coping, and Clinical Outcomes.”

The FCDA is a program for non-tenured faculty who, because of the nature of their position or their role in campus affairs, have encountered significant obstacles in pursuit of their research, creative work, teaching, service, or mentoring obligations, or who have made unusually time-consuming efforts in helping to achieve campus diversity. The purpose of the program is to help junior faculty members develop a substantial record in research necessary for advancement to tenure. Non-tenured faculty members are eligible for a maximum of two awards in different years.