the participants in the 2015 Gevirtz School Grad Slam

The participants in the 2015 Gevirtz School Grad Slam

Eight Gevirtz School graduate students will take part in the School’s first internal Grad Slam on April 2 and 14 students will participate in the 2015 UC Santa Barbara’s Graduate Student Showcase Grad Slam that runs from April 6-17. For both Grad Slam events, graduate students have the chance to tell the campus about their research or share their thoughts on big ideas that matter, in just a three-minute talk.

All the presentations are free and open to the public.

The Gevirtz School event will be Thursday, April 2 in Education 1217 and begin at 6 pm. This slam is non-competitive and meant to help participants hone their skills.

Sixty-five graduate students representing departments and programs all across campus are scheduled to compete in the campus-wide event. Creative presentations are welcome but all talks must include a live oral presentation and between one and three PowerPoint slides. The grand prize is $5,000. Two runners-up will receive $2,500. Semi-finalists will receive $200, while preliminary round winners will receive $50. A full calendar of Graduate Student Showcase events is on-line:

The Gevirtz School presentations will be:

Grad Slam Preliminary Round 1
Erika I. Tremblay, Education: “Literacy in Japanese Higher Education”
Monday, April 6, 11 am – noon
Student Resource Building Multipurpose Room

Grad Slam Preliminary Round 2
Aileen Fullchange, Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology: “The HEROES Project”
Micaela Morgan, Education: “Improving STEM Engagement of Students in the 2-Year to 4-Year Higher Education Pipeline”
Monday, April 6, 3 – 4 pm
1605 Elings Hall

Grad Slam Preliminary Round 3
Kyle Crocco, Education: “Who Do We Think We Are? Universities in Crisis”
Tuesday, April 7, 11 am – noon
ESB (Engineering Science Building) 1001

Grad Slam Preliminary Round 4
Taylor Damiani, Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology: “Are Givers Grittier: Reciprocity Style & Grit”
Ken Sterling, Education: “Imagine a Reality TV Show with a Boss Handing a Scan-Tron Form to an Employee”
Cameron Sublett, Education: “Does Community College Online Course Enrollment Impair Student Success?”
Tuesday, April 7, 3 – 4 pm
Davidson Library Pacific View Room (8th floor)

Grad Slam Preliminary Round 5
Victoria Harvey, Education: “What Does Learning Look Like Anyway?  Shifting Teachers’ Attention toward New Conceptualizations of Educational Encounters”
Wednesday, April 8, 11 am – noon
Student Resource Building Multipurpose Room

Grad Slam Preliminary Round 6
Mario Galicia, Education: “‘Pushed Out’ and ‘Pulled In’: Institutional Bridging for Marginalized Students”
Joshua Kuntzman, Education: “‘Do You See Why I Love This Subject?’: Educational Dialog and the Importance of Real Human Teachers”
Sabrina Liu, Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology: “The Power of Hope: First Year Students’ Adjustment to College Amidst Tragedy”
Wednesday, April 8, 4 – 5 pm
IHC McCune Conference Room 6020

Grad Slam Preliminary Round 7
Zuleyma Rogel, Education: “Latino Parents’ Negotiation and Development of Letters to Their School Board on a Funding Priority”
Ashley Sanford, Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology: “The Science of Meaning-Making”
Thursday, April 9, 11 am – noon
1605 Elings Hall

Grad Slam Preliminary Round 8
Sungmin Moon, Education: “Pizza, Pisa, PISA”
Thursday, April 9 from 3 – 4 pm
Santa Cruz Residence Hall Main Lounge