After Dark Event Flyer May 30

In conjunction with the UCSB's Office of Student Life’s After Dark Forum series, doctoral candidate in the Department of Education, Jacob Kirksey, hosts “Immigration Enforcement and the Effects on Students and Schools,” this Thursday, May 30, at 8:00pm in ED 1213 of the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education. This free, open to the public event brings together researchers and practitioners for discussion on the current body of research that has quantified the costs of immigration enforcement to schools and the effects it has on students. Pizza will be made available beginning at 7:50pm.

About the presenters:

Laura Bellows is a Ph.D. candidate at the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University. She is a social policy scholar who studies the persistence of intergenerational inequality by race, ethnicity, and class. She primarily focuses on how out-of-school policies that create, or ease, stress for families affect the academic outcomes of children. Her current research examines how recent increases in immigration enforcement affect educational outcomes.

Peter Flores is the Direct of Student Services at the Santa Maria Joint Union High School District. Peter has been engaged with GGSE researchers, including Dr. Jill Sharkey, Dr. Michael Gottfried, and Jacob Kirksey concerning socio-emotional well-being and absenteeism/truancy of students in the SMJUHSD school district.

Jacob Kirksey is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Education and a graduate research fellow with the National Science Foundation. Drawing from various perspectives and interdisciplinary frameworks in educational policy, Kirksey’s research examines unintended consequences in educational policy and focuses on frequently forgotten student populations (e.g. students with special needs). Trained as an economist, he primarily uses quasi-experimental methods with large, secondary datasets. As an instructor, Kirksey seeks to expand the way in which practitioners and policymakers use and interpret data in their decision-making.