The 2014 Tuyay Memorial Fellows Jennifer Feeney and Patty Malone with Herb Tuyay.

The 2014 Tuyay Memorial Fellows Jennifer Feeney and Patty Malone with Ann Lippincott, long-time TEP instructor and friend of Sabrina Tuyay, and Herb Tuyay.

Jennifer Feeney and Patty Malone of the Teacher Education Program of UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School have been chosen as the 2014 Dr. Sabrina Tuyay Memorial Fellowship recipients. This fellowship acknowledges teacher candidates who have shown a commitment to providing thoughtful literacy and English language instruction to elementary-age and special education students. Feeney is a candidate for the Special Education Credential Program; Malone a candidate for the Multiple Subject Credential Program.
For twelve years, until her untimely death in June 2005, Dr. Sabrina Tuyay taught the Literacy/Language Arts Methods and Procedures courses in the Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential Program at UCSB. In October 2004, Dr. Tuyay was honored as the first recipient of the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education Distinguished Alumni Award for Excellence in Teaching. In her acceptance speech, Tuyay spoke passionately about her beliefs. She said, “Students need teachers who are critical thinkers, risk takers, and leaders who are willing to push the boundaries and pursue the possibilities. They need educators who not only say that all students can learn, but who are willing to take the necessary steps to ensure that it happens everyday.”