Samantha Cole and Nadia Ratkowski of the Teacher Education Program, a Villa Award-nominated office
UC Santa Barbara Gevirtz School Associate Professor Karen Nylund-Gibson and Assistant Professor Sarah Roberts have been nominated for 2021 Margaret T. Getman Service to Students Awards. In addition, the Teacher Education Program has been nominated for the 2021 William J. Villa Departmental Service to Students Award. Named in honor of the former UCSB Dean of Student Residents, Margaret T. Getman, and the school’s former Admissions Director, William J. Villa, both of these annual awards recognize university staff and faculty that have demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to the general growth and development of students and the quality of student life.
All nominees and recipients will be honored during the Student Affairs Divisional Webinar on Thursday, June 3rd.
Karen Nylund-Gibson is an Associate Professor of quantitative research methodology in the Department of Education, and the Department’s Vice Chair. Her research focus is on latent variable models, specifically mixture models and she has published many articles and book chapters on developments, best practices, and applications of latent class analysis, latent transition analysis, and growth mixture modeling. This is her second Getman nomination.
Sarah Roberts is an assistant professor of mathematics education in the Department of Education. Her research is focused on equity in mathematics education, specifically with regards to bilingual learners. She is interested both in preparing effective, equity-focused preservice and inservice teachers who support students and in studying those teachers’ learning experiences.
UCSB’s Teacher Education Program (TEP) office consists of Samantha Cole, Program Administrator, and Nadia Ratkowski, Program Coordinator. The office has gone above and beyond its usual care for students, faculty, and staff during the pandemic year in addition to helping the school handle a record number of TEP applications for 2021-22.