Keri Bradford and Aaron Jones

Keri Bradford and Aaron Jones, Ph.D. students in the Department of Education at the Gevirtz School, were both named as 2107 Margaret T. Getman Service to Student Award winners. In honor of the former UCSB Dean of Student Residents, Margaret T. Getman, these annual awards recognize university staff and faculty that have demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to the general growth and development of students and the quality of student life. In addition to their academic studies, Bradford works as a staff member in Student Information Systems & Technology and Jones works as the Assistant Director for Community Affairs, Student Engagement and Advocacy for Associated Students.

The nominees and recipients will be honored with a reception Thursday, June 1st at 9 a.m., at the Student Affairs Divisional Meeting in Corwin Pavilion.  The William J. Villa Award— given to a department that have demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to the general growth and development of students and the quality of student life—will be announced towards the end of the ceremony.

Addendum (6/1/17): We feel a bit remiss; in addition to the 2 Getman winners, the GGSE had 4 other nominees of one sort or another. Ann Carlyle in TEP and Karen Nylund-Gibson in ED both were nominated. Affiliated faculty member Mary Bucholtz in Linguistics was nominated. And alum Malaphone Phommasa in the College of Letters & Science, Division of Undergraduate Education was nominated.