UCSB’s Teacher Education Progam (TEP) prides itself on UC Santa Barbara graduates who are exceptionally well prepared to educate and support diverse learners, and able to draw knowledgeably on a wide range of effective strategies. TEP offers a rigorous, 13-month, post-graduate M.Ed.+Credential program (an academic year with 2 summers); all students have already completed their Bachelors degrees before enrolling in the program. The program has been a leader in the development and implementation of thorough teacher performance assessments. It offers a professional program with conscious, purposeful links to our K-12 partner schools, providing candidates with a rich and continuous 9-month teaching experience. As a result, the program has earned a reputation for preparing high quality, well-rounded and confident teachers who excel as leaders.

Local, state, national, and international recognition received about our Teacher Education Program:

The program received an outstanding California Accreditation Review and Report. “In all cases, interviews with cooperating professionals and districts leaders confirmed the assessment data [provided in reports to the CTC]. Interviewees agreed that UCSB candidates are held in high regard throughout the region for their professionalism and reflective practice, as well as for their skills in collaboration. In addition, UCSB graduates were described as exceptionally well prepared to educate and support diverse learners, and able to draw knowledgeably on a wide range of effective strategies. Several employers stated during interviews that they seek out graduates of UCSB programs, who often become leaders in the field. In addition, a variety of stakeholders noted that UCSB candidates seek out opportunities to engage with families and communities. UCSB is to be commended for preparing educators who are so highly valued throughout the region.” California State Accreditation Report (October 2011)

TEP was 1 of 6 model programs in California named as “California’s assets” in the governor’s State Educator Excellence Task Force report Greatness by Design: Supporting Outstanding Teaching to Sustain the Golden State, Sept 2012 (other programs named are UC Berkeley, UCLA, Stanford, Mills College, one program in CSU Long Beach).

TEP was 1 of 2 U.S. programs chosen as model programs to study in Norwegian Government funded project on improving teacher education in Norway. Project studies two programs in Norway, two top programs in Finland, and two top programs in the U.S. (UCSB and Stanford).

TEP was 1 of 29 top programs in the nation approved for recipients of the Woodrow Wilson-RBF for Aspiring Teachers of Color Fellowship. (2010 – present)

Many districts across California recruit directly from UCSB and some go so far as to conduct onsite interviews. Candidates are also recruited internationally, e.g., the Ministry of Education in Singapore sends recruiters to Los Angeles to interview UCSB and other top school candidates.

As always, the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education remains committed to the highest quality preparation of K-12 teachers.  It is a key aspect of our mission and we are very proud of our candidates and graduates of this program.