Project RISE (Research and Interventions for Sexual and Gender Minority Empowerment), based at UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School, will host a Virtual Roundtable in honor of Bisexual Health Awareness Month on Thursday, March 28 at 12 Noon PDT. Learn about current research on bisexuality, ask questions, and share ideas. The format will consist of brief invited research presentations, followed by opportunity for discussion. Researchers, health care providers, and organizations that support bisexual health are invited to participate. Presenters include Drs. Lauren Beach, Christina Dyar, Tania Israel, and Lori Ross. The Virtual Roundtable is free and one can participate via Zoom.
Join online: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/894560734
OR by phone
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 894 560 734
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aeaEvY75q9
Project RISE is a research team at UCSB under the direction of Dr. Tania Israel. The research team develops and studies interventions to support LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) individuals and communities. Some of their projects have included training law enforcement on LGBTQ issues, developing online interventions to reduce the negative impact of stigma, and researching LGBTQ people's experiences in therapy. Project RISE is committed to training students to support LGBTQ people through research, policy, and practice.