slate with research written on it

The Gevirtz Graduate School of Education will hold its second annual Research Symposium on Friday, May 14 from 9 am to 2 pm and Saturday, May 15 from 9 am to 12 pm. Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, this conference will be held virtually. This year’s theme is “Leading Social and Educational Justice: Service and Research for Communities.”

The vision of this interdepartmental event is to provide a space for students to showcase their own work and to foster connection building within GGSE, as well as with the larger community. The organizers invite any graduate or undergraduate student, postdoctoral scholar, staff member, faculty, or alumni from ED, CCSP, and TEP whose work is related to education to present their research, degree-related work, or community-work, at any stage of the process. Please consider using this as a chance, for example, to practice a presentation for a conference or to receive low-stakes feedback from peers and faculty.

The proposal deadline is March 18 via this Google document. You may submit more than one proposal for presentations.

You can register for the event online.