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Registration is now open for the first Methods University. Housed in the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, Methods U is a two-day intensive statistical workshop focused on a specific topic.  There are four different two-day (June 11-12) advanced statistical workshop geared towards graduate students, post-doctoral scholars, and early career faculty. The two-day workshops will be taught by experienced and highly knowledgeable instructors: Karen Nylund-Gibson and George Marcoulides are faculty in the Department of Education at the Gevirtz School; Nancy Collins is a professor in UCSB’s Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences; and J. Jacob Kirksey is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Education.

“Methods U is an important mode of outreach to promote the collective methodological expertise and talents of faculty and advanced graduate students at UCSB,” says Nylund-Gibson, who organized the event. “Methods U is a unique chance for graduate students and faculty at other institutions to gain exposure to innovative analytic techniques without having to pay a high price. Also, where better to learn about methods than on our beautiful campus? We are really excited about this new program and hope that many find it useful and informative to their research.”

Workshops will be in: Introduction to Latent Class Analysis in Mplus; Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling; Mediation and Moderation Analysis; and Causal Inference with Bigger and Richer Data.