Corinna Klein

Corinna Klein (l) with her sister in Italy

Corinna Klein is a doctoral student with an emphasis in Clinical Psychology under the supervision of Dr. Miya Barnett. She received her B.A. from UCSB in 2012. Prior to completing her B.A., she worked in a residential treatment center for women with chemical dependency and histories of trauma exposure. She completed a Master's degree in Social Work at UCLA in 2017. During her Master's, Corinna specialized in school social work, providing mental health services to culturally and socioeconomically diverse students in public, non-public, and continuation schools in the Los Angeles area. Following her time at UCLA, she worked as a medical social worker in an acute care hospital. Her work within various treatment settings exposed her to the unequal provision of community mental health services and to the many barriers clients face in pursuit of effective treatment. She hopes to work towards decreasing disparities in access to effective mental health treatment. Her research interests include the implementation and dissemination of mental health services and clinician attitudes towards evidence-based treatments.

(Note this 5?s format is taken from one of the School's internal communications, and is meant to help the Gevirtz community get to know itself better.)

GGSE: Who (living or dead) do you most admire?
Klein: My grandmother, who was a mystery writer and poet.

GGSE: What is your favorite place in Santa Barbara?
Klein: The top of Romero Canyon hiking trail, from where you can see both the Los Padres mountain range and ocean.

GGSE: When (besides now) would you like to live?
Klein: Early 20th century during literary modernism.

GGSE: Where (besides Santa Barbara) would you want to live if money/job were not an issue?
Klein: Italy, where my mom grew up.

GGSE: Why do you do the job you do?
Klein: Because I believe everyone should have access to effective mental healthcare.