Jordan Smith

Jordan Smith is a student from Long Beach, California who is pursuing a Master’s in Education and Single Subject Teaching Credential in History in TEP. A recent 2020 graduate from UCSB with a B.A. in History and Minor in Education, Jordan fell in love with the University and the Santa Barbara culture, choosing to stay for one more year with the goal of becoming a high school history teacher. Jordan believes that he has much more to learn from his professors and peers, and the Master’s Program will help him elevate his teaching style and abilities further than he could ever do alone. Always an optimist, this particular year’s challenges in online learning are making him look at education and teaching through a new perspective and is hoping to learn from all of his mistakes and struggles just as much as his victories.

GGSE: How have you been spending time during the campus shutdown?
Smith: I have been spending my time exploring the campus during shutdown. It’s nice to walk around and not see a crowd of people everywhere.

GGSE: What made you decide to pursue teaching?
Smith: I decided to pursue teaching after spending a lot of time tutoring students in various subjects. I enjoy the moment when I see students make a connection, and their eyes brighten up.

GGSE: What’s the best advice a professor has given you?
Smith: The best advice a professor gave me was with regards to teaching: “If you became a teacher to save souls, become a priest instead.” It challenged the idea of a teacher I had in my head, the popular one in films where a teacher comes in and magically changes a “bad class.” It reassured me that my primary goal is to be a good educator, and the respect and love from my students should flow from that.

GGSE: If you had a time machine, when would you go?
Smith: If I had a time machine, I’d definitely travel forward in time. I want to see where the world is heading and how history teachers discuss the 21st century.