Meghan Bradbury

Megan Bradbury (she/they) is an enthusiastic, lifelong learner pursuing a Single Subject Teaching Credential in History/ Social Science and a Master’s degree in Education through UCSB’s Teacher Education Program. After graduating from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with a B.S. in Psychology, they spent time taking Clinical Psychology coursework, working as a behavior technician, volunteering in the classroom, and working as a barista. Megan values a collaborative learning environment and hopes to engage students’ inherent motivation to learn, develop critical thought, practice empathy, and express their unique identities. She will strive to create an equitable educational space that values the importance of language, history, and justice to empower students through new narratives and advocate for them by connecting them to resources. Megan wants the students they work with to feel seen, valued, capable, and supported.

GGSE: What are you looking forward to most this coming school year?
Bradbury: This year, I’m really looking forward to building relationships with people in TEP and having the opportunity to be supervised in the classroom. A huge reason I chose to come to this program was its emphasis on relationships, as they are a foundation for learning. I’m confident we will have plenty of support from engaging and reflective educators through this journey, and I’m looking forward to experiencing all it has to offer!

GGSE: Tell us a little about your experience as a behavioral technician. How did it help you grow as an educator?
Bradbury: Working as a behavioral technician provided opportunities to build relationships with team members and clients in a dynamic environment. We had many opportunities to get creative in our approaches to support clients in social and daily living skills. I’ve worked with a few different companies that each had unique approaches, which reflects the dynamic and unique nature of schools. The most important takeaways from my experience as a behavior technician is the importance of patience, empathy, and meeting others where they are at to provide support that empowers them.

GGSE: Why did you decide to pursue a social studies credential?
Bradbury: I’ve been interested in education for a while, and previously considered teaching English or psychology. While history and social studies have always interested me, my experience in high school history classes were lackluster. As I’ve continued my education and community involvement, I’ve seen the impact language and history have on people’s ability to think critically about society and use their voices to change oppressive systems. I hope to create engaging learning environments that empower students to build communities, dream, and practice language skills that develop their confidence in navigating and participating in our society.

GGSE: If you had a time machine, when would you go?
Bradbury: If I had a time machine, I would go to the 1960s. So many things happened in the 1960s, from the civil rights movement to the moon landing! I think our current society reflects some of the themes of the ’60s, such as increased access to media, cultural shifts, and people collaborating to enact change. I also love that these themes are reflected in some of my favorite music from the 1960s! I think we can learn a lot from this time period that could help us navigate our current society.